Page 45 of Always and Forever

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All they ever wanted was for us to be happy. Well, Tiero’s mom would have wanted that. His dad? I’m not so sure.

It’s hard to reconcile my picture of him as the ruthless Don with the man who told his sons to wait for their One and to never settle for less.

“I’m sure Tiero is sharing the same thoughts. It’s natural on days like today. Though, I dare say, he’s too busy right now getting everything set up for tonight to think too much about anything else.”

“I just wish our parents could be here with us.”

“They are. They’re watching from wherever they are now.”

Claudette means well, but it’s not the same.

Da should walk me down the aisle, a proud smile on his face, while ma dabs at her eyes, overwhelmed with emotions she can’t contain.

I bet Adelina would have shared a tear too, seeing her son standing proudly at the altar waiting for me.

And Tiero’s papà? Would he have gotten emotional? Somehow, I can’t imagine a Don cry.

Claudette curls my blond locks methodically, and I enjoy the silence that stretches on for a few minutes. It’s comforting.

That’s until another thought enters my mind, and unease blooms in my abdomen.

My body visibly tenses, and Claudette pauses what she’s doing to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

“The third bad thing hasn’t happened yet,” I say.

Claudette looks confused. So I explain.

“You know how good and bad things come in threes. First the destroyed flowers, then the blizzard ruining our ceremony site and nearly freezing Tiero and Lex to death… that’s two things. One is still missing.”

Claudette shrugs. “I don’t sense anything bad, darling. Let’s just say the ruined spruce tree decorations and the boys getting caught in the blizzard were two separate things. There, that makes three with the flowers. You’re in the clear.”

I wish it was that easy. My gut keeps churning. But whatever it is the universe has in store for me… for us, we will deal with it.

If a blizzard couldn’t stop us, nothing else will, right?

Chapter Nineteen


Mysadnessandtrepidationis forgotten as soon as Tiero and the others return from their transform-the-Alaskan-wilderness-into-a-magical-winter-wonderland mission.

They look pleased with their efforts, and I can’t wait to see what they created.

We all have dinner together, the atmosphere anticipatory and jovial. I love watching the faces of my friends smile and laugh, their eyes twinkling and bright.

And Tiero… it’s hard to take my eyes off him. He’s so damn handsome, especially with that rosy glow that only hours in the cold can create.

How is that man mine?

Sometimes I have to pinch myself.

He seems calmer than I’ve ever seen him, yet also full of fire. Shivers run down my spine when I contemplate how that fire will consume me in a few hours. I just know my wedding night will be one to remember for all of eternity.

My core trembles already with anticipation, my panties dampening at the thought. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Squeezing my legs together under the table, my pussy clenches with nothing but the void to harass. It’s so unsatisfying.

Tiero watches me, his astute eyes taking in my minutest movement. A knowing smirk grows on his face.

“Soon,” he mouths from the other end of the table where Claudette insisted he sit.
