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Not even a flutter, just a great big grin too big for her face. She was dimly aware that Xavier was cleaning them both up as best he could and had rearranged her clothes back into their original, demure state. Thank God one of them still had the sense they were born with. Hers had clearly been jettisoned at thirty thousand feet in favour of more salacious thoughts.

Thought them, she had. Every day since Xavier’s surprise appearance in her home. The opportunity to have another three months of uninhibited sex with this delectable man had simply been too good to pass up, but it was more than that. She hadhim. The big Australian didn’t realise how amazing he was, in and out of the bedroom. Even so recently satisfied, her hands still ached for him. She tucked them behind her back and schooled her features into a less just-fucked expression.

At his signal, she opened the toilet door, and they made their way back to their seats, past the knowing frown of the same flight attendant Xavier had waylaid earlier. As they passed, she put a hand on Xavier’s arm to restrain him. Emily raised an eyebrow, saying nothing.

“Sorry, I…” She cast an embarrassed look at Emily but didn’t remove her hand. “It’s just… would you mind if I get a quick selfie? My boyfriend is a huge fan.”

“Oh, um, yeah, sure.” Xavier rearranged his own sated features into his trademark friendly smile as she positioned herself close enough to snap a blinding flash into their eyes.

Emily’s smile was decidedly less friendly as she dragged him away. It appeared she was going to have to share her boyfriend with more admirers than she’d imagined.

“Does this happen to you often? Everyone on this flight seems to know who you are.”

“Sometimes, I guess. I usually do a better job of going incognito, but today for some reason I’ve been distracted,” he said, pinching her arse. “Is that going to be okay with you?”

“I guess I forgot you’refamous. I feel kind of embarrassed I didn’t remember.”

He chuckled. “Only to some people. Aussies mainly. A few Hawaiians. Anyone who eats a certain malty cereal.”


“Never mind.”

Back in their chairs, he tucked her into his arms as comfortably as possible and heaved a sigh of satisfaction into her hair. Outside their window, a shelf of clouds spread out underneath them like a marshmallow highway. Somewhere down below that was her family, and somewhere out in front was Xavier’s hometown. Same planet, yet worlds apart. A new life and an old life, both so far away. It was only thanks to the gods of chance that they’d collided on the world’s craziest road trip and brought her a lover she was totally crazy about. Someone she looked forward to sharing many more adventures with.

On the screen in front of them, a map showed the edges of the American continent slipping away beneath them. An important moment for her, leaving behind the only home she’d ever known and replacing it with a new one, temporarily at least.

“What’s that face for?” Xavier asked.

Hope shrugged. “Do you think we’ll ever come back here. Together, I mean?”

“Of course,” he said, flashing her a wicked smile. “After all, there are plenty more rules to be broken.”

The End
