Page 15 of Redemption

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The words hit like a sledgehammer and blood drained from my face.

“That was different,” I muttered defensively, looking away.

The grin disappeared from Richard’s face.

But he was telling the truth. I’d indeed attempted something similar with Grandpa William. Those days were shrouded in the foolish impulsivity of youth.

Right now, I might be going behind Anna’s back to buy her property. But that was only because she would feel betrayed if she found out.

In truth, I was helping her by taking the ranch off her hands. She was inept at ranch management. Left to her own devices, she’d flounder about, trying to make the place profitable. But in my hands, that ranch would prosper.

All she needed was a generous amount for the purchase. Then she could go back to Chicago and enjoy her city life.

I didn’t let my conscience prick me too much about all the things that were wrong with my thoughts.

“What changed?” Richard prodded, eyebrow raised. “Your affection for the girl?”

“I changed.”

I wanted to tell him I became a Christian, that I gave my life to the Lord. That I was no longer willing to descend to that level of wickedness. I wanted to tell him how Grandpa William and I had grown closer, and I’d abandoned the idea.

But I knew it would make no difference to the likes of Richard.

Instead, I gritted out my decision, one word at a time.

“I won’t be part of your scheme to ruin her.”

“You’re making a grave mistake, Max. I suggest you reconsider.”

Nope. I wouldn’t. I couldn’t allow myself to compromise my principles, no matter how tempting the end goal might be.

“I won't be a part of destroying something that meant so much to Grandpa William Harrington.”

Richard sighed. A theatrical, exasperated sound accompanied by a roll of his eyes.

“Oh, please, spare me the moral ground, Max. We’re not that different, you and I.”

I bristled at the comparison, recoiling inwardly at the thought of being likened to a man as unscrupulous as Richard. But his next words halted any retort I might have conjured. The threat silenced me effectively.

“If you don’t go through with it, I’ll make sure Anna knows exactly what you tried to do to her beloved grandpa.”

I froze. A chill ran down my spine.

It wasn’t too difficult to imagine how Anna would see me if she learned about my past misdeeds. If she got an inkling, I’d be no different from Richard in her eyes. I’d be a villain clad in cowboy boots and Stetson, deceitfully worming his way into her life.

She wouldn’t accept that I’d ultimately chosen not to harm her grandfather. Instead, she’d see me as someone hurting the man who meant the world to her.

The thought of Anna seeing me in that light tore at my heart. It was unbearable. A gut-wrenching twist of the knife that cornered me.

I couldn’t let that happen because I wasn’t ready to lose her yet. Not when the tendrils of old, rekindled affection were beginning to weave their way around my heart once again.

It occurred to me that I’d come to Richard for help, but now he held me hostage with my dark history.

Heaving out a reluctant sigh, I finally gave in.

“Fine, Richard. I’ll do it.”

His smirk returned.
