Page 16 of Redemption

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“Good, I knew you’d see reason,” he purred, rising from his seat. “I’ll send extensive details on how to put the ranch in debt. That will help you achieve results this time around.”

I continued, feeling the push to explain myself.

“But I want you to understand that I’m only doing this because I have no other choice. I don't want Anna to ever know what I almost did to her grandfather.”

His smile widened. I could see the glimmer of triumph in his eyes.

“That’s the spirit, Max. We’re going to make Anna see things our way.”

After Richard left, I knew that I’d better set my heart on the mission. The next morning, I woke up with my plan in place. I would extend help to Anna, then start the process of putting the ranch in debt.

I wore my best rancher clothes. The type and color Anna loved. I climbed the stallion I’d ridden the day we met on the road. I could remember her looking at the horse like she wanted it as a gift. Plus, riding it would give me the appearance of a competent rancher.

As I approached Harrington Ranch, something felt off. I squinted against the daylight, shielding my eyes from the bright sun with my hand.

The gate was shut tight. When Grandpa William was in charge, it usually stood open, welcoming anyone and everyone. I picked up a small stone and knocked it against the gate, creating a clicking sound. After what felt like hours, it swung open.

Jake, the new wrangler, sat atop his horse just inside the ranch. He didn’t smile or offer any pleasantries. He just sat there looking at me.

“Mornin’ Jake,” I called. “What’s with the locked gate?”

He shrugged. “New owner, new rules.”

What a curt reply.

“I’d like to see Anna,” I said instead.

My words were steady even as frustration nipped at my patience.

Jake paused, sizing me up before nodding. He closed the gate, leaving me standing there, perplexed. Time ticked, and each second stretched out thin and taut. Eventually, he returned and opened the gate, his expression as impassive as ever.

“She ain’t available.”

“What do you mean by that?”

His gaze didn’t meet mine.

“Miss Anna is indisposed.”

Something in those words, in the way he avoided looking at me sent a clear message. Anna didn’t want to see me.

Well, I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I pulled the reins of the horse, urging it to move onto the ranch.

“Maybe try another day,” Jake said and shut the gate in my face.

My jaw tightened as I wrestled with the sting of rejection.

Anna had sent me out of her grandpa’s ranch. Where had she been when the man was sick for weeks? In her high and mighty Chicago while I took care of him. Now, she thought she had the right to shut the gate in my face and send me away.

At the same time, memories of a different Anna played through my mind.

Those were the days she used to visit the ranch as a child, and I was just a boy myself. We had spent countless hours exploring, getting into all sorts of mischief. I remembered her loud laughter, her eyes sparkling with unbridled joy and innocence.

But Anna had changed, that much was clear. She was no longer the carefree girl I knew. The world had hardened her, and she’d grown into a strong woman.

Understanding the new Anna would aid me in my quest. I’d be able to convince her to let me into her heart. It would be a way of getting what I wanted.

But how would I do that? Especially when she didn’t want to see me.
