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As the event comes to a close, we find ourselves back at the entrance, where it all began. The camera flashes resume, and we pose for the last round of photos. The smiles on our faces are genuine this time, a testament to the connection that has been building between us.

Once the cameras are put away, Kyle turns to me, his eyes searching mine. "Jewel," he says softly, "this may have started as a charade, but I want you to know that I've enjoyed every moment of tonight."

I smile, my heart swelling with emotion. "Me too, Kyle."

As we leave the grand ballroom, hand in hand, I can't help but wonder if this charade will eventually become something more. Perhaps, just perhaps, love can find its way into the most unexpected of places, even in the midst of pretense.

Chapter 6


I feel like strangling someone! And that unfortunate person happens to be my father.

I try my best to contain my anger as I watch him sit behind his desk spewing rubbish.

My hands are clenched by my sides and I’ve never wanted to shut someone up with a punch so bad. If the thought of going to prison wasn’t so appalling and the fact that prison food isn’t my best entrée, I would have killed my father this instant.

“But that wasn’t the fucking plan!” I bark, trying my best to keep my anger under control.

Malcolm shrugs nonchalantly like it’s nothing. “It is what it is.”

“We had an agreement!” I grit, thumbing his desk with my forefinger. “I’m to get the CEO position if I get married to Jewel, and I’m married to her now. So please tell me what’s the reason I can no longer become the CEO of Anderson Corp?”

Malcolm lets out a shaky breath now looking around his office as if he wants to call for help, it’s as if he no longer trusts being alone with me in the same space. And he has every right to be scared because I’m one minute away from committing murder.

“The arrangement hasn’t changed. I just decided that I’m going to push my retirement and stay a little longer.”

“And by that, you mean a year.”

“It’s just twelve months.” Malcolm adjusts in his chair clearing his throat. “I know you, Kyle.” He’s now looking at me. “And I don’t trust you not to go ahead and annul your marriage with Jewel immediately after you become the CEO.”

I scoff shaking my head. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Why the rush Kyle? You just got married, shouldn’t you be enjoying the honeymoon phase? Being the CEO will take up so much of your time and keep you away from your wife.”

I should have known he was going to play this way. Malcolm has never been known to play fair.

Without saying another word, I storm out of his office, I need to be far away from him before I say or do something I would regret.

Don’t get me wrong, being married to Jewel isn’t bad I enjoy having her in my space. She has always been the only person I’ve ever allowed in my space.

I hate having people in my space because well, that’s just who I am, so I like to be by myself. Even my friends know this. But when it comes to Jewel, I always like having her in my space.

And that’s why when she suggested that we have a fake marriage, I didn’t think it would be too hard. But I didn’t envision us doing this for a whole year. A year seems way too long for both of us to act like we’re in love and play the happy couple in front of everyone and the cameras.

Especially with what happened at the ball last weekend. All I can think about when I’m not mad at my father is how beautiful she looked that night and how badly I wanted to kiss her.

I’ve always known that Jewel is beautifully captivating but I haven’t given it much thought until now that I get to live under the same roof with her. Now I get to see her every morning when I wake up, and the night before I go to bed.

I never thought that being in such close proximity with her would make me feel this way. When we were just friends it wasn’t this way, but now she’s all that I think about.

“Cancel the rest of my appointments,” I say to my secretary as I walk into my office and she gives me a knowing nod.

I shut the door to my office with more force than necessary, and loosen my tie as I walk over to my desk and take a seat behind it. I need to find a way to make my father retire before a year and also make sure that he doesn’t hand it over to that idiot cousin of mine, James.

As if on cue, the door to my office and theidiotwalks in. With a smirk on his face, I can tell my father already told him about his plans to stay in the company longer.

“What do you want?” I don’t bother masking my annoyance with his presence. James has a knack for irritation that could drive you to the brink. He would get you pissed that you would want to kill him. Then again, murder is a crime, and the likes of him and my father are not worth doing jail time for.
