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“I just heard from Malcolm that you’re no longer going to be the CEO of Anderson Corp like you had hoped.”

The mockery in his tone doesn’t go unnoticed. “Have always known you to be stupid, but I didn’t know gossip is also part of the reasons you’re a waste of oxygen,” I grit.

I don’t bother looking up from the screen of my computer as I send my secretary an email asking for a copy of the proposal I had asked her to prepare earlier.

James laughs. “How does it feel to know that you’ve been outsmarted by your old man?”

I know what he’s trying to do. It’s the same thing that he has been trying to do ever since he discovered that he didn’t stand a chance to become the CEO of Anderson Corp.

He’s trying to rile me up so I get mad and act on my emotions so he can prove that I’m not fit to take over Anderson Corp.

Right from when we were kids, James has always wanted what’s mine and we’ve always been at loggerheads.

“Get out of my office if you don’t have anything reasonable to say. Some of us have work to do.”

He walks deeper into my office. “I guess that you didn’t see that coming.” He throws his head back laughing hard. He sounds like Jackal.

“How about you get yourself out of my office and go worry about how to keep your wife from finding out about Juliana?” I look up from my computer screen because I don’t want to miss the look on his face as he realizes that I know about his little mistress he thinks is a secret.

James’s countenance falls but he recovers quickly feigning ignorance. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

A devious grin makes its way to my lips. “Yeah, right, keep telling yourself that.”

There’s a moment of silence between us as we both stare at each other. Deb, James’s wife wears the pants in their marriage, and the moment she finds out that he’s cheating on her, he knows she will divorce him. And technically, this loser would be useless without his wife.

If only he knew that I have enough dirt to destroy him, and I’m just waiting for the perfect time before I use them, he would stay out of my way. I smirk when James huffs, turns, and stalks out of my office.

My smirk transforms into a smile when my phone beeps with a text from Jewel:Hey, how is it going? Could you stop by the store and get me strawberry ice cream? Thank you.

I glance at my wristwatch and see it’s past 4 p.m. So, I shut down my computer and starting packing my things to head out. I hiss under my breath when my phone starts to ring and I see my mother’s name dancing across the screen.

I pick it up from my desk and swipe my thumb across the screen answering. “Hello Kyle,” comes my mother’s cheery tone.

“Hey, mom.”

“How has work been?”

“Very well. How have you been?”

“I’m doing okay, how is Jewel? When are you both planning to come visit us?”

She has been asking for this for the past three weeks since Jewel and I got married, and I keep telling her that I will let her know when Jewel and I are free.

The truth is that my mother and I aren’t really close, most times we converse as if we are strangers and this isn’t any fault of mine. My mother wasn’t much of a mother to me when I was growing up.

Most times I used to wonder if I was a mistake, because of the way she acted like she was tolerating my mere presence and didn’t care much about my welfare.

Fast forward to now, she’s trying her best to build some sort of connection with me, but it’s too late.

“Kyle, are you there?”

I clear my throat. “I will…”

She quickly cuts in. “Don’t even say that you’re going to let me know when you’re free because that’s what you’ve been saying for the past weeks.”

I try to say something but she cuts in again. “I want you both to join us for dinner this weekend. Please.”

I wince rubbing my eyes, the last thing I want is to be in the same space with my parents, but if I don’t oblige her she’s only going to keep bugging me.

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