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I was craving the burrito soup my grandmother used to make me when I was little and I decided to get the recipe from my mother with the hopes that it was going to be easy to make.

First of all, making that soup was anything but easy, and no one told me that you had to remain in the kitchen constantly watching over what you’re cooking. Because I only left for five minutes, well maybe ten or more… the point is that I only left for a short while and came back to a burnt pot with all the contents dried out.

Speaking of food, my stomach starts rumbling but I can’t step out of my bedroom to get anything because I don’t want to risk running into Kyle, because I don’t know what I’m going to say to him.

I dry my hair throw on a pajama and get into bed. By morning I’m sure I would feel less embarrassed by the kiss.

The next morning, I decide to hide in my bedroom. I wait until I hear the front door close, signaling that Kyle has left for work. It's not just the kiss; it's the way he looks at me, the way he makes me feel wanted and desired. It's something I've never experienced before, and I can't help but want more.

I finally emerge from my bedroom, feeling both anxious and exhilarated. The house is quiet, and I take a deep breath, trying to calm the racing of my heart. I wander into the kitchen, where the smell of last night's cooking disaster still lingers. The cleaning lady already come in this morning, but I can still perceive the faint burnt smell.

“Good morning, ma’am.”

I turn around to see Maria the cook walking into the kitchen holding a grocery bag. “Good morning, Maria.”

“Mr. Anderson already left for work; he gave me a ride to the grocery store.” She informs me as she unloads the groceries in her bag. I walk over to the kitchen island and pick up an apple.

“Would you like me to make you something?” She asks as I walk over to the kitchen sink and wash the apple before taking a bite.

“A bread toast would be nice.”

“I see your dinner didn’t go as planned.” Maria has a smile on her face and I start smiling too. Maria is a middle-aged woman who can pass for my mother and we both have become a little close since Kyle employed her over a year ago.

“I almost burnt the house down; I wonder what made me think it was a good idea to try making dinner.” I almost choke on my apple when Maria starts laughing and I join her.

“I’m never nearing a stove again.”

“I think you’re being too harsh on yourself; you just need a little more practice.”

“Nah, cooking isn’t my forte, I give up.”

While Maria makes me breakfast, I decide to text Jasmine asking her if we can go out shopping, I need something to get my mind off, Kyle, and what more could be better than shopping?

As I pour myself a cup of coffee, I can't help but replay the kiss in my mind. The sensation of his lips on mine, his hands on my body, it's all so vivid. I wonder if he feels the same way if he's struggling with the same desire that's taken hold of me.

Jasmine responds a few minutes later letting me know that she’s free as a bird and that we should meet up immediately because she has some beans to spill.

After having breakfast, I quickly take a shower and get dressed in black ripped jeans and a Gucci top, slip the express black card Kyle had given me when we got married, into my purse.

“You look the same,” Jasmine observes as I approach her car which is parked in front of Kyle’s penthouse.

“Was I supposed to change?” I ask as I slide beside her in her sports car. This is the first time we are seeing since Kyle and I got married and that’s because I’ve been keeping to myself.

Jasmine shrugs, taking off her sunglasses as she assesses me. “I don’t know, I just expected that marriage might change you. Especially with the way you dress.” She takes in my ripped jeans and I start laughing.

“There’s no way I’m giving up my dress sense just because I’m married.”

“Speaking of which,” Jasmine kickstarts her car and starts driving, she briefly turns to look at me as the security opens the estate gates for us. “How has getting married been? Are you enjoying it?”

I shrug trying my best to act nonchalant. “Nothing has changed, Kyle and I only get to act married when we are out in public.”

Jasmine turns to look at me. “You mean you get to stay under the same roof as Kyle and you don’t get to get under the sheets with him?”

I roll my eyes, hoping Jasmine doesn’t see through my lies. “Jas, please, Kyle and I just friends.”

She shakes her head. “You both look nothing like friends.”

I scoff, turning to look out the window because I feel my cheeks warming with a blush just by thinking about the way Kyle looks at me. Jasmine is right, there’s nothing friendly about us anymore.
