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“Where to sir?” My driver asks.

“Take us home.”

Jewel slowly shakes her head. “No, I don’t want to go back to the house yet.” Her voice sounds so soft, so broken, I want to go back inside and punch her parents most especially her father, for doing this to her.

“Where would you like to go?”anywhere, just say it and I will take you there.

“Can we go to the park, please? The Water Park.”

“Take us to The Water Park,” I instruct my driver.

As we drive to the park, I hold Jewel’s hand gently squeezing, she has her head still on my shoulder with her eyes closed but I can tell she isn’t sleeping with the way her eyelids flutter from time to time.

I know this isn’t supposed to be a real marriage and I’m not so sure of what I feel for her but one thing is for sure, I want to protect Jewel from not just her parents but everyone who tries to harm her.

Last night was a lot of things for me. When I kissed her in the kitchen two nights ago, I thought it was a mistake and had goneto her bedroom to apologize but when I saw her walk out of the bathroom, I lost every sense of reasoning I had in me and could only think with my third leg.

It’s still a shock that I’m her first, every time we talked, she always gave the impression that she was sexually experienced not for once did I ever think that she was still a virgin.

And now I feel like a jerk for having entered her the way that I did because I thought that she was sexually experienced. Even though I tried to compensate for it afterwards I still feel miserable about it.

We have yet to discuss what this means for us, but I know it changes everything, we agreed it was going to be a sexless marriage and now we’ve broken that rule.

“We’re here,” my driver announces and Jewel raises her head from my shoulder a weak smile making its way to her face as she says, “Do you mind if we take a walk?”


I get out of the car, walk around, and open her door for her. I take her hand helping her out of the car.

There are a few persons at the park as they move about either walking their dogs or just taking a walk. The night is quite chilly and Jewel has her arms wrapped around herself a soft sigh escaping her lips. She left her coat in the car so I take off my jacket and place it around her shoulders.

“Thanks,” she mumbles. She walks toward the water fountain in the middle of the park, and I follow her. A few persons are around it making silent wishes and throwing coins into the fountain.

When we get to the fountain, Jewel stretches out her hand to me and I take out my wallet handing her a quarter. She’s the reason I’m always carrying a quarter around even though I don’t need it.

Jewel believes in making wishes by a water fountain every time we pass by one but she has the habit of never having a coin on her.

I watch as she closes her eyes for a moment and opens it before throwing the quarter into the fountain. She turns to look at me, “your turn.”

I shake my head. “You know I don’t believe in this stuff.”

“We have this argument every time, and I keep telling you it works.”

“And you’re yet to tell me one exact thing you wished from a water fountain that came to pass.”

She rolls her eyes. “Just go on and make a wish.”

I groan as I take out another quarter from my wallet and toss it into the fountain without making a wish.

“You were supposed to make a wish.”

I shrug. “And how did you know that I didn’t? it’s supposed to be a silent wish, no?”

She shakes her head and begins walking away. “Thanks for tonight,” she says as we both sit on a bench. We are both silent for a while as we watch people who walk around the park.

“Do you think we can have a dog?” Jewel asks as a dog walker walks by with two puppies.

