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She turns to look at me. “Still haven’t gotten over your phobia for dogs?”

“I don’t have a phobia for dogs, I just feel they are unnecessary stress, they shit everywhere and cause a mess.”

“Don’t worry, I will clean up any mess it makes.”

I give her the side eye, a smile curling up my lips. “No offense, but you can barely take care of yourself.”

She pretends to look hurt, “Are you saying I’m messy?”

“I never said that.” I start laughing when she gives my arm a soft punch.

We both go silent again for a moment before I ask, “How long?”


“Your parents, how long have they been comparing with your brother?”

She lets out a sigh. “For as long I can remember. Everything I did always came down to me being compared to Mark. I used to try very hard to match up but when I realized I would never be good enough, I decided to give up.”

“You’re enough.”

She smiles weakly, and I can see the hurt in those big brown eyes of hers. “Tell that to my parents.”

“Your parents are wrong about whatever negative thing they’ve said to and about you.”

She chuckles humorlessly not believing what I’m saying. I place a finger under her chin and turn her face to mine. “You. Are. Enough.” I make sure to enunciate every word slowly so it sinks in.

Her eyes become glassy with unshed tears and I feel like bringing war on everyone who has made her this way. It makes me pissed that she’s been feeling this way and I never got to know about it until now.

She looks away sniffling as a tear threatens to fall but I don’t let her, she doesn’t have to hide her vulnerability from me.

She finally allows the waterworks to open up as she begins crying and I hold her to my chest. And at this moment I make a promise to her and myself to always stand up for her and never allow anyone to make her feel any less than she is.

Chapter 10


“Jewel, did you hear what we just said?” I raise my head to see Jasmine and Daisy staring at me.

“I’m sorry, did you girls say something?” We are in Jasmine’s parents' house and we are supposed to be planning a surprise birthday party for Lilian who’s turning twenty-two in a few days.

Her parents are missionaries and they are out of the country and won’t be back before her birthday. Lilian is still grieving over my cousin David who broke her heart, and Jasmine thinks throwing her a birthday party will help get out of her bad mood.

But I’m finding it hard to concentrate on whatever it is they are talking about because I’m too busy texting Kyle.

It’s been a week since he stood up for me and I’ve come to see him in a different light. No one has ever stood up for me before, and I appreciate what he did.

And because of that, my relationship with Kyle has gone deeper. We still have sex, and we still haven’t talked about what this means for our relationship, it is as if both of us are trying to avoid speaking about it.

I’m scared that when we eventually talk about it, things might change between us. I love this bubble that we are in, and I have no intentions of coming out of it anytime soon.

Kyle: Wanna go out and have dinner later tonight?

Me: more like a date?

Kyle is typing…

I suck in a breath when I realize the gravity of my question, why did I have to ask him that? What’s wrong with me? Whatever we have is just temporary and it doesn’t involve dates.
