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“This has to be a fricking joke, right?!” I say to my parents the moment we get back to their mansion, resisting the urge to scream at them.

“Kyle, language,” my mother warns as she takes a seat on one of the couches in the large living room. I can’t believe she's trying to tell me about language right now.

“You guys have to be joking about what you just said out there because there’s no way that is ever going to happen.”

Malcolm, my father, moves to sit beside my mother, signaling for one of the domestic staff to fetch him a glass of scotch, a routine he follows whenever he returns from wherever he's been.

“It’s been decided, you are getting married to Jewel,” Malcolm says with a note of finality.

“And what makes you think you can make such a decision for me? The last I checked, the choice of who I marry is entirely up to me. I’m not getting married to Jewel and you can’t force me to do that.”

My father’s scotch arrives and he takes a sip before responding, my mother on the other hand doesn’t seem to have a say of her own, anything my father says goes. It has always been like that since I was a kid.

“You’re right about us not being able to force you into marrying Jewel, after all, you are an adult.” He pauses to take another sip of his stupid scotch. I take a deep breath waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“But as you know, I will be retiring soon from Anderson and Corp and I would need you to take over.”

“Hasn’t that always been the plan?” I ask, my voice conveying my impatience.

“The plan has changed, if you don’t get married, you can’t become the CEO of Anderson Corp.”

A humorless chuckle escapes my lips. “And what is that supposed to mean? Who else is fit to run the company apart from me? Besides what has been married got to do with my ability to run the company.”

“If you don’t get married within the next three months before my retirement, the position of the CEO will go to James, your cousin.”

“What? James? That guy doesn’t even know how to run his household talk more of a company!”

I’m trying my best to keep my anger in check. How can he think of giving my position to James? The only thing that bastard is good at is sticking his dick in every hole he finds available. Not only is he incompetent to run a company like Anderson Corp, but he’s also a fool! A big one at that.

My father signals for staff to bring him the bottle of scotch instead, clearly in the mood to drink himself into a stupor. My mother on the other hand is busy on her phone pretending not to be concerned with what we are talking about.

I'm pretty sure she's indulging in her favorite pastime: online shopping and loading up her cart with all the Botox products she can get her hands on, as that seems to be her latest obsession these days.

“James is inexperienced, you can’t hand over the company to him. That would be a recipe for disaster!”

My father nods. “Yes, you are right about him being inexperienced, but he will learn and I’m sure that in no time will master the ropes.”

“You’re seriously considering handing over the company to that moron? He will run the company down!”

“It’s my company, no? So let me worry about it.” He turns to look at me. “Though I won’t have to give him the company if you agree to settle down and get married.”

“What has been married got to do with being able to run a company? Marriage doesn’t make you responsible, James is a testament to that.”

My father makes a refill of his drink before answering. “You and I know this has nothing to do with responsibility.”

Of course, it doesn’t. This is all about having an heir, a concept my mother once confided in me about. She told me that after they got married, my father had wanted more children.

However, after having me, she found it increasingly difficult to bear any more children. Sometimes, I can't help but think that it might have been God's way of sparing more children from suffering, given that my parents have proven to be among the worst parents anyone could ever wish for.

I’m sure if the Devil himself was given the chance to be a parent he would do a better job at it than my parents.

My father's relentless desire for an heir is crystal clear, and he's well aware of my disinclination towards marriage. He views this situation as a golden opportunity to coerce me into tying the knot against my will.

“So, it’s your call, Kyle, if you want the CEO position, you know what to do.”

Without saying another word, I turn around and stalk out of the building. Because any more minutes I spend in their presence draws me closer to committing murder.

As I‘m about to get into my car, I hear the front door of the mansion open and my mother walks out.
