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"Thank you for giving me a chance, Jewel," she whispers, and I feel the sincerity in her words. The weight of resentment doesn't vanish, but there's a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, we can find a way to move forward.

Chapter 25


The sterile hospital room, with its white walls and clinical scent, feels almost suffocating as I sit by my father's bedside. The constant beeping of the medical equipment is beginning to give me a migraine at this point.

My dad is slowly recuperating and our relationship has become less strained, as I now make an effort to visit him almost every day and keep him company by telling him all that is happening in Anderson Corp in his absence.

And he’s fully aware of James’s devious plot to take over the company and he’s disappointed in him.

Even though my mom doesn’t like the idea of me talking to my dad about work when he’s supposed to be resting, my dad comes alive whenever we start talking about work. So, I have to oblige him, although I always know where to draw the line.

When the doctors told him to take a break from work, he told the doctors that work is what he lives for and that he will die faster if he did that.

Our relationship might not be the typical father and son relationship, but at least it’s not so strained and we are no longer at each other’s throats, constantly arguing.

"Dad," I begin, my voice carrying a mixture of hesitation and determination. He turns his gaze towards me, his eyes reflecting a weariness that goes beyond the physical injuries.

"I know that you have been saying you might hand over the running of the company to James, but I don’t think that is a good idea," I continue, choosing my words carefully.

He nods, a silent encouragement for me to go on.

“He doesn’t have the interest of the company at heart, he will run it to the ground if we should allow him to take over.”

My dad scoffs. “I never had the intention of truly handing over the company to him, I was never going to give James the company. He doesn’t have what it takes to run Anderson Corp.”

I don’t know how to feel about this revelation. To think that my father was lying to me all this while he threatened to hand over the company to James if I didn’t marry Jewel. I’m speechless.

“Wipe that look off your face,” he says. “I did what I thought was best for you, if I hadn’t made that decision, you would still be unmarried and another man would have taken Jewel by now. You should be happy that I helped you make up your mind quicker. Because I know you love her, I’ve always seen the way that you look at her.”

Not wanting to argue with him, I just shake my head. “You’re welcome by the way,” he says. “Back to the matter at hand, we can’t allow James to take over the company, I won’t allow him to run down the company I labored to build.

"I want to help you, Dad. I want to take over the company and make sure it thrives, but I know there's resistance from some board members, especially with James’s bribing some of them."

His expression tightens. "I've thought about this a lot, and I've come to a decision. I'm willing to give up most of my shares in the company to secure the CEO position. It's the only way to ensure stability and prevent any interference from James."

I furrow my brow, surprised by his suggestion. I’m a little taken aback by his decision, I didn’t expect him to give up his shares so easily.


He cuts in, “It will help you build a coalition, a united front against James. It's a democratic process, and it will be a more sustainable way to ensure the company's future. You’re the rightful CEO of Anderson Corp, not James. And I will do whatever it takes to ensure that you get it."

A wide smile spreads across my lips as I hear those words come out of my father’s house.

"Dad, you've built this company from the ground up, and I want to honor that legacy. I promise to make you proud and ensure that Anderson Corp continues to thrive under my leadership."

He nods, and I catch the subtle pride in his eyes. "Remember, Kyle, leadership isn't just about holding power. It's about forging alliances, inspiring loyalty, and steering the ship in the right direction. This way, you'll have supporters who genuinely believe in your vision."

“I will always keep that in mind, Dad.”

I stayed with my dad for a while telling him about my plans with Mr. Bright on how to get the rest of the board members to be on my side and expose James for bribing other board members.

As I drive back home from the hospital, my mind is occupied with the board meeting that will be held tomorrow. Things are going to go in my favor now that my father has signed over his shares to me. And I can’t wait to see the look on James’s face when he realizes that he won’t be becoming the CEO of Anderson Corp.

The heavy silence within the car is punctuated by the vibration of my phone signaling an incoming message.

As I glance at the phone resting in the cup holder, frowning, I pick it up and unlock the screen to reveal a series of texts from the private investigator I had asked to look into my father’s accident.
