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Private Investigator:Your Dad’s accident wasn’t just an accident, it was planned and your father wasn’t the target, you were.”

A chill runs down my spine, and my grip on the steering wheel tightens involuntarily.

Private Investigator: Your cousin James, was the one who hired the hit-and-run driver, you will find in the document attached, texts between him and the driver and a bank statement showing the money he had wired to him for payment.

My hands tremble as I read through the damning evidence—texts, bank statements, a web of betrayal woven by my own cousin, James.

Betrayal, like a bitter taste, lingers in the air. Anger, disbelief, and an undeniable sense of betrayal churn within me.

I knew he was desperate to become CEO but I didn’t know that he would go to this extent. Bribing the board members I can overlook, but this? He went too far with this.

Instead of driving home, I drive to James’ apartment instead. But first I make a stop at the police station.

The hallway leading to James's apartment feels endless as I approach his door. The soft glow of the corridor lights cast an eerie pallor on the scene. I raise my hand and bang on his door loudly.

The door swings open, revealing James. “Why in God’s name were you banging on my door like that?!”

Without a word, I push past him and step into his apartment, the air thick with unspoken tension. He follows.

“To what do I owe this visit? Don’t tell me you’re here to grovel now that you’ve realized you are not going to be the CEO of Anderson Corp?” He says with a smirk.

“Is your wife and kids home?”

“No, why?”

“Good, because I want to save them the ordeal of witnessing that their father is a murderer!”

The smirk on his face falters as he registers the gravity of my expression. “What are you talking about?”

"You did this, didn't you?" I speak through gritted teeth. “You’re the reason my dad almost died! It’s because of you that he is in the hospital battling for his life and might not be able to walk again!” I ball my fists trying my best to resist the urge to punch him.

Beads of sweat form on his forehead, and his attempts to maintain composure crumble. "I… I don't know what you're talking about," he stammers, avoiding my gaze.

I thrust the evidence forward, the images capturing the moments leading to my father's accident. "Don't play games with me, James. This was meant for me, wasn't it? But instead, Dad ended up paying the price for your sick games."

His face is now ridden with guilt as he stares at the evidence. “How did you…”

“How did I get to find out?” I scoff pulling my fingers through my hair in frustration.

James, backed into a corner, attempts to justify himself. "It was just meant to shake you up a bit, Kyle. I never thought it would go this far," he stammers, attempting to rationalize his actions.

I can't help but let out a bitter laugh. "So, you thought trying to kill me was the solution? Sabotaging my life? It just proves you're willing to destroy everything for your own gain."

In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, James blurts out, "Kyle, it wasn't supposed to go this far. It was just meant to shake you up a little, to make you realize that you're not invincible."

My jaw tightens, and I can feel the heat of anger pulsing through my veins. The betrayal, once concealed, now stands exposed, a chasm that separates us irreparably.

"You risked my dad’s for your own ambition," I declare, my voice cutting through the charged silence. "You won't get away with this, James."

“Kyle please, I didn’t mean for it to go this far.”

“But it did, and you’re going to pay. Officers, you can come in now.”

James immediately turns white the moment his front door swings open and four uniform men step in. One was pointing a gun at him, while the other handcuffed him, reading him his rights.

James kept apologizing and begging for forgiveness as he was being led away but they fell on deaf ears.

Chapter 26
