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Kyle, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, gestures toward the entrance. "Welcome to our dinner spot."

A smile plays on my lips as we enter the restaurant. The ambiance is perfect—a blend of dim lighting, soft music, and an intimate atmosphere. We're led to a secluded corner, offering a sense of privacy amid the gentle hum of conversations.

Seated across from each other, the menus unfold a selection of culinary delights. Kyle's gaze meets mine, his eyes filled with a mixture of affection and excitement. "I thought we could use a quiet evening together, away from the usual hustle."

“Aww…, have I told you how sweet you are?” I pull his head down to mine for a kiss.

Kyle reaches for my hand, intertwining our fingers. "I just wanted to create a memory, a simple night where it's just us. I love you, baby. I don’t think I say this enough Jewel, I love you and I’m going to try my best to show it to you for the rest of my life."

“I love you too Kyle.” He takes my lips in a searing kiss.

And in that moment, amid the warm ambiance and the gentle caress of his hands against my skin, I realized that I love my husband more than life, and there’s no other person I would rather do life with.

The End
