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"Sweetheart, your father and I are only doing what we believe is best for you."

I can't hold back my frustration any longer, and it spills out in my words. "Mom, I can't believe you're taking his side again. This is not about what's best for me; it's about his ego and control. I won't let him ruin my life. You’re supposed to be on my side not his."

My mother's eyes fill with sadness, but she remains resolute. "Jewel, please try to understand. We have our reasons, and sometimes, you won't see the full picture until much later."

I shake my head, unable to accept her reasoning. "I can't do this, Mom. I won't let him dictate my life and force me into a marriage I don't want."

Our conversation ends on a tense note, leaving me feeling even more isolated and misunderstood. I know that I have a difficult road ahead, but I can't let my parents' decisions define my future. Whatever it takes, I'll find a way to reclaim control over my own life, even if it means considering my audacious proposal to Kyle.

Chapter 4


As the days pass, Jewel's audacious proposal continues to occupy my thoughts. At first, I dismissed it as absurd and impractical. But the more I think about it, the more it seems to make sense and like a potential solution to our shared dilemma.

I've never been one to bow down to my father's whims, and the idea of handing the reins of the company to my stupid cousin James is something I can't stomach. Plus, the thought of leaving Jewel to deal with her overbearing parents on her own doesn't sit right with me. We're both trapped in a situation, not of our making and maybe, just maybe, this unconventional idea could be a way out.

At thirty-two, one would think that my parents would stop trying to control my life, but no, give it to my father to know how to meddle in my business.

I finally decide to reach out to Jewel, and after a series of calls and text messages, we agree to meet at a quiet café where we can discuss our plan in more detail. I can’t believe it has come to this, but as it is, this is the only reasonable option at the moment.

Arrive at the café before Jewel and in her usual way of always being late, she shows up thirty minutes late.

“I’m sorry I’m late, I ran out of gas and didn’t have money for a refill so I had to take the bus.” She shudders as she takes a seat in front of me as if she can’t believe she just rode the bus.

“Never in my life did I ever imagine that a time would come when I would ever have to ride the bus.”

Her forehead is sweaty and her blonde hair which is always styled, is a little disheveled. You can tell she had a hard time riding the bus. But she still looks beautiful in the brown leather pants she’s putting on that frames her slender figure, and theblack top she has on, hugs her upper body, making her perky boobs more visible.

Jewel is a sight for sore eyes and it makes me wonder if I’m making the right decision agreeing to do this with her.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Thanks.” A waitress comes to take our orders. Jewel orders a sandwich and iced tea, while I order a cup of coffee.

“So, have you decided?” She asks after the waiter leaves, I take a deep breath and lean in slightly, lowering my voice.

"I think it might actually be our best option. A marriage on paper, just to satisfy our parents. We'll set some ground rules to keep our personal lives separate. But it has to remain a secret, and our parents can never find out the truth."

A spark of hope dances in Jewel's eyes, and she nods eagerly. "I knew it could work, Kyle! This way, we can both get what we want without compromising our independence."

We spend the next hour ironing out the details of our unconventional arrangement. We agree to maintain our separate lives while ensuring our parents remain oblivious to our plan. And, most importantly, we both commit to seeking an amicable divorce once I secure the CEO position.

As Jewel and I sit down to hash out the specifics of our faux marriage plan, I can't help but feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity. We've already agreed that our parents can't know about this, and now we're diving into the nitty-gritty details.

"So," Jewel begins, her voice slightly hesitant, "we'll need separate bedrooms, of course."

I nod in agreement, appreciating her pragmatism. "Agreed. That's a must."

She continues, "And, well, about us... I was thinking we could have... lovers. But, Kyle, we'd have to be extremely discreet. No public displays of affection, nothing that could raise eyebrows."

I pause for a moment, not entirely sure how to respond to her proposal. It's a reasonable suggestion, given our circumstances, but it still feels a bit odd. "Lovers, huh? I mean, it makes sense, I suppose. But we'll have to be careful, very careful."

Jewel nods a hint of relief in her eyes. "Exactly. We can't afford any slip-ups."

We discuss other aspects of our plan—how to maintain the illusion of a happy marriage, what to tell our friends, and how we'll handle our respective work commitments. It's clear that we're both committed to making this arrangement work, even if it's unconventional.

But beneath it all, there's an unspoken tension, a growing connection between us that neither of us can ignore. We're navigating uncharted waters, and the line between reality and pretense is beginning to blur.
