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As we finalize our agreement, I can't help but wonder how this peculiar arrangement will affect us in the long run.


The Wedding Day


The day of our faux wedding is filled with a mix of emotions that I struggle to contain. It's not easy to go through with this charade, and as I put on my wedding gown, I can't help but ask my mother a burning question that's haunted me for days.

"Mom, why is it so crucial to both you and Dad that I get married? I've never really understood it," I say, my voice tinged with curiosity.

She pauses, her eyes distant for a moment, before giving me an answer that doesn't quite satisfy my curiosity. "Jewel, it's what's best for the family. You'll understand eventually."

Her vague response only deepens my suspicion that there's something more to this than meets the eye, but I decide to letit go for now. There are bigger things to deal with, like the impending ceremony.

“You make a beautiful bride.” She’s now smiling at me. I try my best to smile too, but I can’t, I’m all bundle of nerves.

“Let’s get this over with,” I say as I finish applying my makeup.

Our wedding takes place in a quaint chapel on our parents' estate, with only a small gathering of close family and a few friends who are in on our unconventional arrangement. The chapel is beautifully adorned with fresh flowers, and soft melodies fill the air, creating an almost surreal atmosphere.

Jasmine is my maid of honor, and although Daisy and Lilian don’t understand why I’m suddenly getting married, they are both in attendance.

Standing at the altar, I feel the gravity of this act weighing heavily on my shoulders. My heart aches as I catch glimpses of Kyle, who looks strikingly handsome in his suit, an unfamiliar sight compared to the Kyle I've known for so long. Despite the pretense, I can't help but admire his presence.

I recite my vows, each word carefully chosen to maintain the illusion. "I, Jewel, take you, Kyle, to be my husband," I say, my voice steady, though the insincerity behind the words is palpable. "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Kyle takes his turn, delivering his vows with practiced ease, but I can see the same pretense in his eyes. We exchange rings, symbols of our commitment to a plan rather than to each other.

As the ceremony concludes and we're declared husband and wife, the applause and well-wishes from our families and friends feel empty and forced.

Amidst the charade, I find myself stealing glances at Kyle. There's an undeniable charm about him that I've always knownbut never acknowledged fully. It's a dangerous path, one I must tread carefully to avoid getting ensnared in a web of emotions that could complicate our arrangement.

Walking down the aisle beside him, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was betraying my own desires. The man beside me wasn't just my friend; he was someone I had secretly harbored feelings for. And now, I was committing to a fake marriage for the sake of our parents' ambitions.

As we exit the chapel, Kyle casts me a fleeting glance, his expression a mix of uncertainty and resignation. The weight of our fake marriage hangs over us, and I can't help but wonder how this surreal beginning will alter everything between us.

The wedding reception is in full swing, with laughter, music, and clinking glasses filling the air. I can't help but steal glances at Kyle throughout the evening, even though I should be avoiding eye contact with him at all costs.

Every time I look at him, my heart skips a beat. It's like I'm drawn to him, unable to resist the pull. The dim lighting of the reception venue casts intriguing shadows on his handsome face, highlighting his chiseled jawline and those mesmerizing blue eyes.

I watch as he laughs with some guests, his smile reaching all the way to his eyes. I've seen him smile countless times, but tonight, it feels different. There's an undeniable charm to it, one that I can't quite ignore.

I scold myself silently, reminding myself that this is just a fake marriage, a charade we're putting on for our parents' sake. But try as I might, I can't seem to stop my wandering gaze from returning to him.

It's not just his appearance that has me captivated. It's the way he carries himself, with an air of confidence and charismathat draws people in. I've always known he was impressive, but tonight, he's practically magnetic.

My friends notice my frequent glances, and they nudge me with knowing smiles, teasing me about my newfound interest in my "husband." I brush off their comments with a forced laugh, but deep down, I can't deny that there's something undeniably intriguing about Kyle, something that has me constantly stealing glances his way.

As the night wears on and the celebration continues, I find myself dancing with other guests, engaging in conversations, and doing my best to maintain the illusion of a happily married couple. But no matter where I am or who I'm with, my gaze keeps returning to Kyle, and I can't help but wonder what lies beneath the surface of this fake marriage.

Chapter 5


Two Weeks Later.

It’s been two weeks since Kyle and I got married and it hasn’t been a ride in the park. Not only are Kyle and I different in every way possible, but we also have different views about things.
