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“It better not be,” he says with a threat.

Out of reflex, I eye him up and down. Whether the stoner act is a gimmick, he’s smarter than he looks. Todd is also in phenomenal shape and, no doubt, could take me by surprise.

“Loud and clear,” I say. “So, is that what you do? Pay as little for rent as possible and then spend all your free time out here?”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he says, waving his arm oceanward. “Look at what we have here. By the way, that monster office compound you’ll slap up will be at one of the best surf spots around. Do you think your tenants will notice? Will that be touted as an amenity to out-of-shape business executives?”

Todd continues, passionate about his point now that he has my ear. “A smart person would build a resort instead - why not take advantage of the location and listen to the land? What the fuck does the world need with another ugly building in a beautiful location?”

He climbs to his feet, leaving me wondering how he knows that. Because he’s right.

“Speaking of surfing,” he says, tucking his board under his arm. “Nice talking to you.”

“Hey, before you go,” I say, producing my cell phone. “If you are amenable, can I have your cell phone number?”

“Why?” he knots up his face.

“This is not to get to Brynne or anything like that,” I assure him. “You’re a straight player, and I respect that. And I don’t mind steering dollars your way if you’re agreeable and the work is something you can do.”

He shrugs. “Yeah, all right,” he says.

I enter his number in my phone while he trots off. The sun is so hot that I shower under a public outdoor faucet to cool down. By the time I make it to my car, my clothes are completely dry. I’ll take a proper shower when I get to the office, where I also keep a change of clothes for times like this.

Once I am presentable, my first business task is heading to reception for coffee and a snack. The office orders breakfast bars and sets out a carafe of hot coffee for staff and guests. I help myself.

When Gretchen walks in to sit at her desk, Brynne’s matchmaking idea, which I initially shot down, pops into my head.

Gretchen and Todd.While I mull over the possibilities, I notice something on her desk that I’ve seen many times before but never asked about.

“What is this?” I ask.

“It’s a double-finned surfboard,” she answers.

“I know that, but what is it for?” I ask.

“It’s a cellphone holder,” she says casually. “I love all things surfing.”

“How come I didn’t know that before?” I ask rhetorically. “Say, you’re not seeing anybody, are you? You and Nick, maybe?”

“Ew,” she recoils. “That’s kind of personal, but no.”

“Well, the reason why I ask,” I say, shamelessly making my question about something else. “Nick had the 411 on what Brynne did when Adrianne was here yesterday.”

Her head sinks with guilt.

“You told him?” I say, shaking my head. “If I want Nick to know something, I’ll tell him myself. Understood?”

“Understood,” she says.

“So no on Nick?” I push.

“Are you trying to fix me up with him?” She made a face like something smelled bad.

“No,” I laugh.

“I’m single but notthatsingle,” she continues.

“Okay,” I say in Nick’s defense. “You made your point.”
