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I go to my office, loaded with junk food, and close the door. I dive into business development. I must cultivate other investors because I am ending my connection to Adrianne Gollum as soon as this rocky nightmare ends.

I don’t know if Brynne and Todd are rubbing off on me, but I don’t care how much money the woman has; she’s not worth the time and energy demands.

Somewhere mid-afternoon, I come to a stopping point. The issue I have been avoiding all day is taking space in my head:Brynne and the Calypso. Not my finest hour. The longer I put off at least apologizing for the appalling way I ran out on her this morning, the worse the whole situation will be. The less fixable it will be.

I must have started a gazillion texts but got no further thanHey.That’s because anything I can say at this point would be wholly inadequate. I can’t face Brynne, knowing I haven’t changed my position on tearing down the inn. I selfishly gave her false hope that we could resolve the matter when I knew I was contractually bound to demolish it. I press the intercom.

“Gretchen,” I say.

“Yeah,” she says.

“Can you send two dozen red roses to the Calypso Inn?” I ask.

Chapter 10


Ididn’t think I was a flower kind of girl until twenty-four long stems were delivered. The note is what does it for me.

I am not running away. I’m working stuff out. Wait for me – Jack.

I am either a sucker or a pushover, or maybe both, but I cut him some slack. I, too, got a little tangled up emotionally, leaving me feeling confused. Likewhat just happened here between us at the speed of light?We are not on the same side.

We both need some time. Jack could have managed it cleaner, but I forgave him.

I need to get back to my business while I still have one. I am not rigid, but a schedule and a To-Do list ground me and give me focus. I load up my trailer and pedal into Dove Point Square. I set up in front of Clive’s Bakery, which has the only cheat item I indulge in - Raspberry Cobbler.

It doesn’t even pretend to be healthy – other than the raspberries – which is somewhat questionable as I think it is raspberry preserves that are used and not whole raspberries. Add a ton of white and brown sugar and processed flour, andyou have the best cobbler in town. I love it so much that when I indulge in what is typically off-limits for me, I throw my healthy eating diet to the wind and double down, buying not one but two cobblers- one for now and one to eat later so I can get the “badness” out all in one day.

I usually service Clive’s storefront and terrace window boxes every week, but a couple of months ago, Jordan, Clive’s wife, asked me only to come by when she called. It has been a while, so I was excited when she reached out this week. The timing is good. I need the work.

Jordan rushes me at the door. I’ve never seen her move so fast. “Brynnie, there you are,” she says. “I am so sorry I called you out here. Why don’t you come on in and have your favorite?”

“Well, I really can’t right now, Jordan,” I say with a smile. “I’m ready to start your place, and then I have two other clients scheduled behind you.”

“I’m so glad to hear that,” she says. “Because, well, I am so embarrassed. It’s just that I called you out here and-”

Jordan paused mid-sentence. I watch as her usually bubbly demeanor changes.

“What?” I ask.

“I can’t pay you,” she whispers, gripping my hand.

I searched her face for context, as her meaning wasn’t sinking in. I don’t understand what she means.

“We’re closing,” she chirped. “Clive and I sold the restaurant. We are just managing the place as a favor to the new owners until they can move in. So, the money we’re taking in is theirs. They’re giving us a paycheck. It’s not much. The money from the sale of the bakery went to buy a house where we are moving.”

“This is so sudden,” I say. It’s going to be as if Dove Point never existed. There will be nothing left. I don’t think that stupid office complex will even have Dove Point in the name.”

My mind is racing, and words spew forth that I didn’t even know were there.

“Stupid Red Hawk Realty,” I blather. “Stupid developer investors. Crooked lawyer tricked my uncle into selling.”

Jordan grips my shoulders and grounds me.

“Hey,” she says softly. “Take the money John gave you and come down south with us. They have plants in Texas. You can open for business there.”

“I have to see this fight through to the end,” I say. “Why did you sell? If they do build that monster complex, there will be plenty of business from the tenants. Those kinds of people don’t cook for themselves. They pay people to do stuff for them.”

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