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“Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of time,” Max reasons, his eyes scanning the increasingly heavy snowfall. “Visibility is getting worse. We need to move.”

I nod, albeit reluctantly. The urgency is clear, but so is the danger. As we ready ourselves for the next part of our journey, Avery suddenly tenses, his focus shifting to something in the distance.

“Wait,” he whispers, his hand raised for silence.

We all freeze, listening intently. At first, all I can hear is the wind and the snowflakes’ gentle patter, but then, a distant rumbling sound reaches us, growing louder, like another vehicle approaching. The possibility of it being either friend or foe sends a shiver down my spine, and I instinctively move closer to Max, ready for what might come next.

“Quickly, hide the snowmobiles,” Avery whispers urgently. We immediately respond, pushing our vehicles into a dense thicket of bushes nearby. The physical effort leaves us breathless in the cold air, our breaths visible as ragged puffs of vapor.

We seek refuge behind a large tree, cautiously peering out. The dense pine trees in this part of the mountains provide excellent cover. The rumbling sound grows louder, and soon, the beams of headlights cut through the dim surroundings, revealing a large, black SUV navigating the woods. It’s clear fromthe tracks that this isn’t their first pass through the area, just as Avery had suspected.

“They are patrolling,” Max says under his breath, a hint of worry in his voice. “Likely Thea’s people. We need to be extra careful, and if Alpha Finch is involved, he has the council’s backing.” The implication is clear—they could act with impunity.

After the SUV passes, we cautiously step out from behind the tree. “We need a new plan,” I state, feeling a surge of determination. “We can’t just blindly walk into a trap.”

Max nods, his expression serious. “First, we scout the area. Understanding the layout and any guard positions will help us plan a better approach.”

Moving with caution, we use the cover of the trees and the terrain to remain concealed. The snowstorm, though a challenge, also provides us with a cover of sorts.

Approaching the cabin, we spot two figures standing guard about fifty feet from the porch. Wrapped in heavy clothing with rifles in hand, they seem prepared for trouble. The cabin itself is surprisingly large, more akin to a multi-family vacation home in the woods than the quaint, one-room cabin I had envisioned.

This realization adds another layer to our predicament. Not only do we have to contend with patrolling guards and potentially Alpha Finch’s involvement, but the cabin’s size and layout also present their own challenges. We have to be strategic, careful, and above all, we need to stick together to face whatever lies ahead.

“We’ll need to take them out quietly,” Avery suggests, his gaze vigilant as he scans for additional threats.

The implication of his words hits me hard. Wait, does he mean to kill them?

Max nods in agreement, and before I can process it all, he’s pulling me along with him. We split up to position ourselves for a coordinated attack. Despite the numbing cold, adrenalinecourses through me, heating my blood. This moment is critical—the safety of the kidnapped, my sister’s fate, and the future of our pack all hang in the balance.

I await Avery’s signal, a soft whistle that somehow slices through the wind’s howl. At the sound, we’re in motion. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I brace for what’s to come, my heart racing from fear and determination.

The whistle shatters the silence, and we leap into action. Max and Avery, with their honed precision, swiftly neutralize the guards. They move so quickly that by the time I emerge from behind the tree, it’s over. I feel sluggish in comparison, my movements slow against their swift efficiency.

With the guards down, we regroup and advance toward the cabin with caution. It stands ominously before us, dark windows set against the swirling snow. Every step feels laden with both dread and determination.

“We need to check for more guards,” Max murmurs, his eyes meticulously scanning the cabin’s perimeter. “Stay here. Avery and I will circle around.”

Alone? I nod, a knot forming in my stomach as they vanish into the snow-covered landscape. Left by myself, my thoughts race uncontrollably. I think of my kidnapped brother, the potential involvement of my sister, and the intricate web of betrayal that led us to this moment. The cold nips at my skin, but it’s the pervasive uncertainty that truly chills me.

Minutes stretch on, feeling more like hours, until finally, Max and Avery return. Their grim expressions speak volumes before they even exchange words.

“There’s a back entrance,” Avery informs us, his eyes conveying the uncertainty of the situation. “No additional guards outside, but inside is a different story. We can’t be sure.”

“We’ll have to be ready for anything,” Max adds, reaching for my hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. Even through ourgloves, the gesture is comforting, and I imagine the warmth of his touch.

Approaching the back of the cabin, we tread lightly, the snow muffling our footsteps. It’s not too deep here, only about a foot, thanks to the tree cover acting as a natural barrier. Reaching the back door, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. This is the moment we’ve been preparing for—the confrontation.

Max cautiously turns the handle, finding the door unlocked. We share a look, a silent agreement, before he gently pushes the door open, and we step inside.

The cabin’s interior is dimly lit, with the only source of light coming from a flickering fireplace in the main room. Shadows dance eerily across the walls, creating a sense of foreboding. A stale scent hangs in the air, hinting at long unused rooms and hidden corners.

We find ourselves in the main area of the cabin’s ground floor. It’s an open plan with a galley kitchen, a dining area, and a living room. Entering through the back led us into a mudroom. We move through the cabin in silence, methodically checking each room on this floor—two bedrooms and a bathroom, all empty. The tension escalates with each passing moment.

Above us, there’s an open landing with a balcony that overlooks the space we’re in. Narrow hallway doors line the second floor.Where are they?I wonder silently.

Suddenly, a muffled sound captures my attention—a whimper coming from behind a door at the end of the hallway. I signal to Max and Avery, and we approach the door with caution. It looks innocuous, like a supply closet, but in our world, appearances can be deceiving.

Max gives me a nod of encouragement. Carefully, ensuring the door remains between me and any potential threat, I turn the knob. The door creaks open, revealing a shadowy, cramped space.
