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There, huddled in the corner, is a bound and gagged figure—Lex, my twin brother. A wave of relief washes over me, but it’s quickly replaced by concern. Where are Thea and the alphas?

The sight of Lex in such a vulnerable state ignites a protective fury in me. We rush to his side, untying his bonds and removing his gag. His presence here is more than just a kidnapping—it’s a personal attack on our family. With Lex now free, our focus shifts to finding the others and confronting the threat head-on.

Lex looks like they have beaten him to within an inch of his life. Large, round bruises disfigure his once handsome face, and the sight sends tears prickling behind my eyes. I hover over a particularly nasty bruise on his shoulder, where blood has clotted against his skin. I resist the urge to touch it, knowing I must wait until he’s safe to tend to his wounds properly.

Max’s eyes meticulously scan each mark on Lex, mentally cataloging them with grim determination. His analytical gaze speaks volumes about his protective instincts.

As Lex leans heavily against me, it’s clear his condition is worse than I feared. His eyes, usually brimming with life and mischief, now reflect a haunting trauma. “Seraphina,” he whispers hoarsely, a mix of relief and fear lacing his voice. He doesn’t want me here, and I can sense his concern for my safety. “You shouldn’t have come…”

But how could I not? Lex is more than just my brother, he’s my twin, my other half, the one who’s always understood me without needing words.

“We have to get out of here,” Max says urgently, eyeing the only window as a potential escape route, albeit a risky one. “How bad are your wounds, Lex? Can you move?”

With a glance at me, Lex sighs, resigned to revealing the truth. “Three of my ribs are broken, and one of them stabbed me,” he confesses, coughing and wheezing. “I think there’s something wrong with one of my lungs.” He waves away Max’sattempt to examine him further. “Let adrenaline do the work now. You can check me later. You’re Grace’s brother, right?”

Max, with flared nostrils, gives Lex another once-over, his gaze analytical. “Yes.”

The sound of approaching footsteps signals that we’re not alone. Avery peeks out, his expression grave. “The alphas are here. Finch and the other man are still missing.”

We brace ourselves, readying for what might come next. Max positions himself protectively in front of Lex and me, while Avery stands by the window, evidently formulating an escape plan.

The door bursts open, and two alphas allied with Thea step in. Their hard, unyielding eyes survey the scene before them.

“We’re not here for a fight,” I declare, stepping in front of my family, my voice steady though my heart races. I can feel Max’s displeasure at my bold move, but I stand my ground. “We only want Lex and Grace.”

The alphas exchange a look, their stance unwavering. “Leaving isn’t an option,” the one with a scarred face says coldly. Who are these men, and how did Thea recruit them?

Tension crackles in the air, a palpable sense of impending violence. Then, on an unspoken signal, one of the alphas lunges, and chaos erupts around us.

Max confronts the attacking alpha, moving with precise and forceful actions. Meanwhile, Avery and I concentrate on shielding Lex. The cramped space of the room limits our movements, adding to the desperation of the fight. In a protective gesture, Avery pushes me behind him, shielding me, his eyes turning a brilliant blue as he loses control.

Amidst the chaos, the door swings open again, and Thea appears, her expression one of shock. The fighting halts abruptly as everyone’s attention shifts to her.

“Thea,” I say, my voice a blend of disbelief and anger. “Stop this.”

She glances at Lex, and for a fleeting second, I see regret in her eyes before it’s quickly masked by determination.

“Stop,” she commands authoritatively, and to my surprise, the alphas cease their aggression, backing away on her order. This display of authority is unexpected and raises questions about her role in all this.

A tense silence envelops the room. Lex, leaning heavily against me, looks at Thea with a mix of confusion and hurt. “Why?” he asks, his voice strained with emotion.

Thea’s internal struggle is evident as she attempts to find the right words. She looks at us, her gaze lingering on Lex and me. Our shared past as siblings seems to mean nothing, both connecting and dividing us. She looks different—her hair a dark brown, her skin glowing with health. Dressed in a black turtleneck and matching pants, she seems oddly at peace, even happy.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” she begins, her voice shaking. “I didn’t mean for it to go this far.”

I’m skeptical. Thea has played the victim before, portraying herself as someone trapped by circumstances, when, in reality, she always had a choice. Her actions now seem too familiar, and I can’t bring myself to believe her.

There is always a choice.

The room remains charged with unsaid words and unresolved tension. It feels like we’re on the edge of uncovering secrets and lies. Max, standing close, his tone demanding answers, asks, “Explain, Thea. What’s going on?”

Her hesitation, the way she looks at us, suggests there’s more to this story than we know. I can’t shake the feeling that we’re only seeing the surface of a much deeper plot, and as much as Iwant to understand, I can’t let my guard down. Not with Thea. Not now.

Outside, the storm mirrors the chaos within the cabin. The wind’s howls seem to make the entire house quiver, as if resonating with the chaos of our emotions.

In the tense silence that follows Thea’s declaration, Lex’s eyes sweep the room, a mix of relief and fear still evident, but his gaze holds determination. “Seraphina,” he whispers, his voice hoarse but firm, intended only for my ears, “we can’t leave without Grace.”

I nod silently in agreement. Leaving her behind is not an option.
