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Max’s reaction is immediate and visceral. At the mention of his sister, his protective instincts flare. “Where is she?” he demands, his voice laced with concern and urgency.

Thea hesitates, her eyes gleaming with an emotion that eludes my understanding. I feel like I don’t even know her anymore, but I wonder if I ever even did.

“I won’t leave without her,” Lex asserts, his voice strengthening with conviction. “She’smine.”

I freeze, turning to look at Lex, then at Max. The implication dawns on me—they are mates. The pieces of the puzzle slowly fit together, yet so many questions remain unanswered. Is this all a misunderstanding, or something more?

This revelation adds urgency to our situation. We can’t simply back down. Finding Grace is imperative.

Thea, visibly conflicted, glances between Lex and the door. Her voice is barely audible as she speaks. “She’s downstairs, locked in a room. I can show you.”

Suspicion coils in my stomach. She’s hiding something, and what about the man who confronted Violet and me? Where is Finch?

Max’s expression hardens, his gaze fixed intently on Thea. “You’ll lead the way,” he commands, his tone leaving no room for argument.

We’re deep in a web of lies and secrets, with danger lurking at every turn, but one thing is clear—we must find Grace, and fast. Thea, whether we like it or not, is our guide in this treacherous game. As we prepare to follow her, I steel myself for what lies ahead, determined to protect my family and uncover the truth.

We cautiously proceed, with Thea guiding us down into the basement. Max and Avery flank her, vigilantly watching every move she makes. Lex, relying on me for support, leans heavily against me. Each of his steps is a struggle, but he’s determined not to give in to his injuries. The house feels like an elaborate labyrinth, where danger could lurk around any corner.

As we descend the creaky, splintering wooden stairs, the atmosphere becomes increasingly tense. The air grows colder the deeper we go into the bowels of the house. At the bottom, the basement divides into two separate rooms. Thea halts in front of a door straight ahead, her hand wavering over the doorknob. Max, driven by urgency, nudges her, his impatience tangible.

The door opens, revealing a small, poorly lit room. Grace huddles in the corner, her eyes wide with fear and surprise. The relief and confusion that wash over her face at the sight of Max tug at my heartstrings.

“Max?” she mutters, her voice trembling with emotion.

Max is at her side in an instant, examining her for any harm. “We’re getting you out of here,” he tells her, his voice embodying the protective nature of a brother. The scene is so touching it reminds me of my own deep connection with Lex.

Suddenly, Thea’s voice cuts through the moment. “No.” The single word from her prompts us to spin around and face her. She stands at the doorway, a smirk playing on her lips. In one swift motion, she slams the door shut and locks us inside.

Trapped, we turn to face one another, a mix of shock and realization dawning on us. Thea’s betrayal, the precariousness of our situation, and the uncertainty of what she has planned next hang heavily in the air.

“That bitch,” Avery mutters with a smirk, slashing the tension in the room. I just wish I could share his amusement.



Max reacts first,banging his hand against the door. “Thea!” he shouts, his voice a turbulent mix of betrayal and desperation, but his call is met only with the hollow echo of his voice in the confined space.

I turn to Lex, his face pale against the stark bruises. Our eyes meet, silently communicating volumes. He’s clearly in pain, exhausted, and showing signs of malnutrition.

“Grace,” he chokes out, the raw emotion in his voice resonating through our twin bond.

Grace, still huddled in the corner, lifts her gaze at the sound of her name. Fear is evident in her wide eyes, but they light up with recognition upon seeing Lex. “Lex?” she murmurs, her voice a frail whisper.

Lex attempts to move toward her but winces, betraying the extent of his injuries. I’m by his side in an instant, helping him sit beside Grace. He wraps his arms around her, and I gently say, “Easy, Lex,” while assessing the gravity of his condition.

Grace’s reaction to Lex is immediate and tender. Her distant gaze sharpens as she inhales deeply, recognition dawning inher eyes. She offers me a tentative, slightly awkward smile, so different from the vacant look I had seen in her before.

Then, Lex purrs for her, a deep, comforting sound that seems to envelop both of them.

Max, giving up on the door, turns his attention back to us. “We need a plan,” he declares, surveying our surroundings. The room is basic, typical of a basement, but notably lacking any windows. Only a single bulb swings overhead, casting long shadows on the walls that appear freshly constructed.

Avery kneels beside Lex, carefully examining his ribs. “We need to stabilize him first,” he says, his voice calm yet urgent. He glances at Grace periodically, a hint of something unspoken in his eyes, but he remains in control, respecting their reunion.

I reach out to Grace, offering her my hand to help her up. She accepts it, but her eyes dart around, clearly trying to make sense of the situation.

“We’re going to get out of here,” I tell her, trying to sound confident, even though our escape plan is still unclear. In this dim, confined space, with the storm raging outside and the uncertainty of our situation, one thing is clear—we need to find a way out, not just for ourselves, but for Lex and Grace too. Our survival depends on it.
