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One, I noticed that Crisco was nowhere near the trash, he was sitting on the table. He wasn’t supposed to be on top of the table, but by the way, he was arching his back and baring his teeth, I knew something was wrong.

That was when I noticed the second thing; he was growling softly at something behind me.

I went to turn, but a cloth-covered hand latched to my face, covering my nose and my mouth at the same time. I breathed in deep to scream, but I couldn’t. My brain went dizzy and I could feel my body disconnect from my mind. I fell back against whomever it was that had Crisco so pissed and I felt strong arms pick me up. There wasn’t even a grunt, but as the cloth was pulled away from my face I caught the strong smell of a men’s cologne and the metallic smell of blood.


Icould have taken her sooner, but I chose to watch her instead. Stupid, I know. There was no good reason why I should want to stand in the bushes on the slope of a hill in her backyard and watch her watch a show on TV when I knew she was alone. I could have grabbed her as soon as she got off the phone, but I didn’t. I watched her eat and enjoy the shows because I liked her reactions. She had such an expressive face, I could tell everything she was feeling when she felt it and I didn't have to guess when she liked something.

I loved when people were as reactive as she was. I loved it when my partners were as reactive as she was.

I could already tell I was going to have a ton of fun with her, but I needed to go about this the right way. She wasn’t one of the girls at the club who begged to have themselves tied up by me. I didn’t even know if she was into the kinks I was into, but that was part of the appeal.

Anita Asdrubale was a strong, mostly independent woman. She got some of the money from her parents, but for the most part, that money only went to keeping her condo. Mostly sheworked for everything she had and she didn’t live extravagantly. Just the opposite. Her billing statements told me that she had a car that was at the mechanic’s down the street waiting to be repaired because she hadn’t saved enough of her own money yet to fix it. She could easily just ask her parents for the money, but she refused if the last conversation I had overheard her talking to Stella about rang true. She wanted to be worthy of what she had, and I respected that. I respected the hell out of that.

Which was why I was having such a hard time finding that line. The line between wanting Anita for myself, voluntarily, and wanting to do what my father requested of me.

Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. If this was any other woman, the chances were I could kidnap her, convince her she wanted me to use her, and then kill her without any regret if that was what my father wanted. But Anita? She was completely innocent. Whatever it was that her father did to my father had nothing to do with her. I completely understood about an eye for an eye, but was what her father took from my dad worth her?

I didn’t care too much because I knew it didn’t matter. Father wanted to exact his revenge on her and that was what would happen, if I had a hand in it or not. The tricky part was following his orders and indulging in my desires at the same time. This was no longer just a job. This was personal.

I watched as she got up from the couch and went upstairs, stretching that gorgeous body of hers in the soft-looking sleep clothes. I itched to touch her in them, wanting to feel how soft her skin was in comparison to the cloth. I found myself biting my bottom lip as my dick jerked in my pants. I had to stop thinking about things like that or I was going to fuck this whole mission up.

It didn’t matter what I wanted yet. I needed to keep my eye on the mission and take her. Everything else could be figured out later.

When I was sure she was upstairs and in bed, I made my way up the back steps and slid in through the sliding glass door of her kitchen. I noticed she never locked it, probably because people think that if the front door is locked, someone trying to break in won’t think about the back door.

I slid in easily and closed the door behind me.

Her kitchen was small, but clean and had a kitchen table in the middle of it all. I made my way past it and into the living room before I heard the scuffling. I looked down and found a ball of orange fluff racing past my feet and into the kitchen where the light above the stove was on. It scrambled up onto the table and hissed at me, its back arched, teeth bared.

I heard movement from upstairs and immediately faded back into the shadows of the living room.

I knew the cat was going to be the unknown factor in the scenarios I ran through in my head. It turned out for the best though because while the cat was growling and hissing at me, it brought Anita down from her bedroom. I watched as she made her way down the stairs carefully, but also yawning and rubbing her eyes. There was no way she was going to see me in the corner of the room, away from the light of the street lamps coming through the windows on either side of the TV. I was dressed in all black with a black ski mask over my face just to make sure my skin didn’t catch the light and alert her. I had black gloves on as well, though when she turned into the kitchen, dazed and confused, I took them off and slid them into my hoodie’s front pouch and took out the bottle of chloroform and the cloth I planned on using. I soaked the front of the cloth with the liquid and came up behind her as she was talking to her cat.

“Crisco?” She said and I had a moment to think this through. A moment to walk away, just fade back into the shadows as she went back upstairs and I could keep watching her from afar if I wanted. But I couldn’t do that. I needed to obey my father’sorders no matter what. He was counting on me to make his revenge known and if he didn’t get his way, there was a good chance he would take it out on me. “ Crisco, will you stop…”

I slipped the cloth over her face before she could finish her sentence and pulled her against me. She felt so good in front of me that it was hard to remember that I was kidnapping her. She was warm and soft and even as she struggled against me for that short minute, I could feel the power within her. She was not someone to be dominated by unworthy people. Which meant I was going to have to be worthy of her. To show her that I was not just this creature my father seemed to think I was.

But wasn’t I? I was kidnapping a woman who had nothing to do with the mafia lifestyle. She knew nothing about me or my family, nor did she have any idea what her father did, or at least that's what I was guessing. Lorenzo was not a man who flaunted his connection with my father, nor did he reveal exactly how he made his money. I wouldn’t be surprised if even his wife had no idea that their money was blood money.

I was exactly what my father accused me of being. I was a monster of his creation.

When Anita went limp in my arms the Cat wailed and began hissing fiercer than any animal less than 20 lbs should be. I ignored the thing and lifted Anita into my arms as if she weighed nothing and carried her out the back door. Lucky for me, the people who lived on the first floor were gone for a few days so I didn’t have to worry about being seen as I went through the back yard which happened to be about the size of a postage stamp before it went up the hill I had been standing on, and around to the side where I had parked my car.

I had hidden it over there behind the shed for the property, which kept people in the area from wondering whose car was parked there and wondering about whomever it was that drovethe car. The fewer spectators the better, especially when carrying an unconscious woman.

As gently as I could, I lay her down on the back seat and got in behind the wheel. I wondered if I should put her in the trunk to keep her from rolling around or falling off the seat, but I liked looking up into the rearview mirror and seeing her there. It made me feel excited and remorseful all at the same time, which in itself was a miracle. I hadn’t felt regret over my actions in a long time, not since I was a boy, and knowing that I could still feel that made me feel a little more human.

So I kept her in the back seat as I made my way back to my place.

Like my father, I had plenty of places to go in the city during the day. I didn’t have an office like he did, but there were places I considered my home away from home. They were places where I could crash when I was on a job, places I could party or just relax, and places with people so I could try to assimilate into the community and not be such an outcast among those who have seen my work. Work like the man I gutted with a pocket knife and extracted multiple balloons filled with coke out of his large intestine. Gizmo had vomited on Jax’s shoes and Jax had kicked him in the face, but none of the men present had helped.

I knew Jax wouldn’t look at me any differently, he had seen me work before, but Gizmo and Trips would. They wouldn’t understand and they too would label me a monster, just like everyone else.

Sometimes it was lonely being Don’s personal Boogieman.

Most of the time I didn’t mind.
