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Which was why my house was in the middle of the swamp.

It took me about 20 minutes to get there, but when I pulled into my driveway it felt like I had just laid Anita on the back seat. I checked on her through the mirror before I got out of the car. Just to be safe, before I picked her up, I put the rag over herface again to make sure she would stay out. Then I picked her up out of the back seat and put her over my shoulder in a fireman’s carry. It may have been less intimate, but it was easier for me to open the front door with one arm free.

I opened the front door and immediately went to the basement. That was where I had my dungeon set up for my private fun.

I flipped one of the three switches at the top of the stairs and a single light came on. It was bright, in the center of the room and directly above the bed I had situated underneath it. I pictured the women who had been on that bed before and I had a strong feeling that they were all in preparation for Anita. This was her bed, her place, she just didn’t know it yet.

Or maybe it was just wishful thinking.

Gently, I set her down on the bed and went and found the rope I had been dreaming about against her skin since the moment I saw her picture. It was in one of the drawers in an old dresser I had against the wall. I knew where it was without being able to see it, which was a good thing because I didn’t want to break the mood. The moment my fingers found the rope, something in my gut tightened. Worry? Anticipation? Excitement? Somehow I was pretty sure it was all three.

I took the rope out of the drawer and turned to Anita. She looked so comfortable in her pajamas, but that wasn’t how I wanted her. I let myself picture the scene, completely dive into the fantasies I had been picturing. I wanted her in my ropes, but I didn’t want her looking like she was sleeping. I wanted to see her. All of her.

Slowly, I began to undress her,

I felt wrong for doing it, but I couldn’t help myself. I needed to set the scene. I needed to scare and excite her for this to work, which would have worked if I had left her clothed, but I needed to see her, completely. I needed easy access and I needed to feelher, as wrong as that may be. I would make it up to her if she let me, but I needed this right now and I couldn’t exactly ask her for permission.

I set her clothes in a pile on the dresser and tied her wrists to the headboard. That part was easy and I kept my eyes on my work, determined to tie the knots in a way that both secured her, but did not hurt her. Then I tied a length of rope to one ankle, tossed the other end under the bed to the other side, then tied her other ankle so she was spread eagle on the bed. I could see her beautifully waxed pussy as I stood at the end of the bed, admiring my handiwork. I wanted to reach out and pet her. Her pussy, her pointed perfect nipples, the swells of her breasts, and roundness of her hips. I wanted to touch her, kiss her, lick her everywhere. My cock was so hard by the time Anita began to wake up that I could hardly think straight.

But now was the time to think. I couldn’t fuck this up.

I stood still in the shadows of the room, just outside the light so she wouldn’t be able to see me right away.

She pulled at the ropes as she woke up, looking at her wrists and blinking as if she wasn’t quite aware of what she was seeing. She tried to move her legs and when she couldn’t, she looked down. I was pretty sure that was when she realized she was naked. She tried to close her legs, but couldn’t, only being able to bend her knees. Which was good, because I didn’t want her to be able to close her legs.

I would definitely be reliving this scene later when I jerked off.

Watching her pull against the ropes and try to escape did it for me too, but I didn’t want to look at that too closely.

I shifted and readjusted my pants, trying to give my cock more room. It was becoming too uncomfortable to still be wearing jeans. I also pulled off my hoodie, dumping it on the dresser along with the ski mask, gloves, and Anita’s clothes. My shirt followed soon after, wanting to be as vulnerable to heras possible. To show her I wasn’t a threat. I would have taken off my pants too, but I had a feeling that would have been threatening.

Anita stopped moving and watched me, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. I was still in the shadows.

“Hello?” She asked and I could hear how strong her voice was. Even naked, exposed as she was, tied up, and kidnapped, she didn’t sound scared. I felt pride surge within me, which was an odd sensation for me to feel. Why was I proud of my victim? Oh yeah, because I felt something for her. I couldn’t put a label on it yet, didn’t want to, but I felt something. More than what I had ever felt for anyone else that had been in that bed. “Who’s there?”

I moved to stand at the end of the bed and leaned in a little so she could see me. I let her get a good look at me, making sure not to meet her eyes yet. I wouldn’t, not until she felt less threatened. Eye contact had a way of scaring people off, making them feel challenged. I didn’t want to do that to her.

I could feel her eyes roam my skin and it warmed me. My cock twitched again and I was very glad that she couldn’t see how hard I was. I looked at her as she was looking at me, letting my gaze roll across her body, letting myself take in all the angles and privacy that was on display. After I was sure she had seen everything there was to see and I had taken my moment of visual bliss, I decided to get the show on the road. The sooner I could get her to agree with my terms, the sooner I could touch her. Feel her. Whip her. Fuck her.

I wanted all that so badly I felt like my cock was going to explode.

“Anita,” I said, letting her name roll off my tongue. She blinked at me, her face turning more angry than confused.

“Who are you?” She demanded, her lips set in an angry line. I resisted the urge to open them with my tongue.

“My name is Raniero Siena. Do you know who I am?” I asked, even though I knew she didn’t know. Sometimes people have heard of my name, but they don’t know why. I was betting she had no clue at all, but it was always best to be sure.

She was silent for a long moment, thinking. I waited, letting her have her time. I didn’t have to rush this. We had forever if necessary. My dick would just have to wait.

“No.” She finally spat out. Her fire made me smile despite myself.

“Well, you should. My father is a very powerful man and he has decided that you have a debt to pay.” I told her, explaining to her the truth.

“How do I have a debt to pay if I have no idea who either of you are?” She demanded to know and I shrugged.

“That part is none of my business. What is my business is that he told me to take you, in every way possible. And he told me to make it hurt.”

I could see actual fear cross her face for the first time and it broke a piece of my soul to see it. I never wanted to put that look on her face or make her fear me.
