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“Yes.” She said and tried to look back at me. “It’s… you’re huge, but I'm good. You can move… in fact, I need you to move.”

“Good.” I said, then slid out halfway and pushed back into her. She let out a muffled sound that sounded a lot like ‘oof’ then I pulled almost out and did it again. The more I moved, the better she felt and I was beginning to wonder if I was going to make it through her cumming.

Once I was certain that she was fine and I had a rhythm going, I took the belt and pulled her up. The angle changed which threw me off of the high I was chasing, but I was hoping for that. I could not cum before she came twice. I needed my woman spent and satisfied, not wanting more.

With the change of position I could feel her tighten inside and I picked up speed, fucking her and holding her to me so all she had to do was feel. That was the point of bondage after all; for the person being bound it took away options of distraction, options to ruin the energy. Anita had to take whatever I gave her and in that there was a type of freedom. I only hoped that she realized that and reveled in it the way I reveled in the fact that her orgasm depended entirely on me.

“Cum for me Darling.” I told her as I pounded into her. “Cum on my cock and show me how much you love it.”

My good girl did as she was told and her pussy clenched around my cock so tightly as she came that I lost all the control I had on myself. As she clenched, I spasmed and came inside her as I drove myself as deep inside her as I could, biting the back of her shoulder as I did so. She cried out in pain and in pleasure, if the reaction she gave to it could be any indication. Her wholebody shivered and her orgasm spiked, sending another wave of clenches through her pussy.

We both collapsed forward and I rolled us onto our right side so that she could be more comfortable. I wasn’t ready to pull out yet so I stayed inside her, softening slowly as we caught our breaths.

“That was…” Anita started, struggling to find her words.

“Amazing?” I offered and she nodded vigorously. I laughed, which made her laugh and her body clenched around my cock. The sensation made me pull out, the pleasure overload becoming almost painful.

Slowly, I sat up and began undoing the belt I had wrapped around her arms. Deep red lines criss-crossed her skin and there was one place that had broken out in red splotches that might bruise later. Once the belt was completely undone, I dropped it on the floor and helped her sit up so that her back was against my front and her arms were in front of her. She relaxed against me as I rubbed her back and shoulders, waking the muscles and skin back up, then continued down her arms making sure that there was no permanent or lasting damage. She would have bruises on her wrists, but other than that, she seemed perfectly fine.

“Why are you doing that?” She asked, watching me rub each of her wrists, then all of her fingers. I smiled, loving the feel of her in my arms, possibly a lot more than I should.

“It’s called aftercare Darling.” I explained and kissed her earlobe. “You trusted me and let me put you in an uncomfortable and possibly damaging position. Therefore it is my responsibility and honor to make sure you are pampered afterwards. I’m working the muscles that might have stiffened and may cause you harm later. I’m rubbing the blood back through your arms so that you get less bruising and don’t lose feeling in your extremities. I’m also checking to make sure thatnothing is hurt and there is no lasting damage that I might have overlooked if I had just untied you and sent you on your way.”

“That’s…” She paused and watched as I rubbed the last finger on her left hand. “...rather thoughtful and sweet.”

“It’s what’s right.” I shrugged and folded my arms around her. “And it’s what you deserve.”

“I don’t know about that.” She sighed and I shook my head.

“I do. Your trust and your submission is a gift that takes a lot to give. I do not take it lightly. You could have run the other way the moment I untied you from my basement. You could have told me you wanted option B and asked me to help you start a whole new life where you didn’t have to put up with paying for your father’s mistakes. Instead, you married me and are trusting me in a world of kink that you know nothing about. That is a precious gift that I will never take advantage of.”

We both fell silent after that and she stayed wrapped up in my arms for a long time before we both decided to get cleaned up and go back home.

To our home.


The week went by much like Monday did. Raniero and I woke up, I made coffee and poured us both a cup as we woke up, watching the news on the couch together. Then he made breakfast, which I ate happily and felt like a spoiled princess. I had never had anyone except my parents make me breakfast, so it really was a special treat each morning, even though he thought I was a little strange for making such a big deal out of it.

After breakfast, we both got ready for our day. I found out that Raniero ran a lot of the operations for his father and that he spent most of his day checking in on people, making sure the factories were run the way they should be, and that the people under his management were doing what they were hired to do. He didn’t wear a suit, most of the time he just wore black jeans and a T-shirt of some kind, but he did have an air of authority about him.

I had managed to bring about half of my clothes over so I got dressed in my leggings and sports bra, then packed the sports bag with something to eat, a few protein bars that I had decided to keep at ‘our’ place as well and we headed out the door. Onlyon the third day, Raniero told me that I was no longer allowed to wear only a sports bra out of the house unless he was there with me. I fought him a little on that, not going to lie. Extra clothing during kickboxing could be a safety hazard and it was hard for my students to see specific moves if I was wearing a t-shirt. They needed to see my abs so they knew when their abs were supposed to be engaged as well.

He lifted an eyebrow at me and told me that I could either start wearing a shirt or he would spank my ass until it was so black and blue I wouldn’t be able to teach the class.

I caved and started putting a shirt on. I figured I could tuck it in the front if it was that important or got in the way. Or I could tie it. Either way, it made Raniero happier and it kept my ass from being bruised because there was no doubt in my mind that he would follow through with his threat.

After I taught my classes and took yoga with Stella, she drove me back to my place where I would feed Crisco, play with him for a little while, and take a shower or watch TV until Raniero could come to get me. Normally, he showed up before 9 and then he would take me back to our place where we would get ready for bed and sleep wrapped up in each other's arms.

We hadn’t had sex yet again though and I was starting to wonder if something was wrong. He wasn’t pulling away from me exactly, but he was certainly worried about something, but he wasn’t talking to me about what it was. When I asked him if everything was okay, he just smiled and told me everything was fine and would kiss my forehead or the tip of my nose. Which I liked, don’t get me wrong, it was just starting to worry me.

On Saturday morning I woke up before Raniero and headed downstairs to what I was starting to consider my kitchen. He cooked in it more than I did, not that we really did much cooking. Mostly we made salads or ordered out, but it was starting to feel like I belonged here. It was a little insane howeasily we fit into each other's lives that it made me wonder sometimes when the other shoe was going to drop. Everything was going so well…

And then I looked at my phone while I was making coffee and saw that my father had tried to call me last night and I never answered my phone. Raniero and I had been watching the second Harry Potter movie because he had never seen them and I was on a mission to rectify that situation. We had plans to stay in all day today to watch at least three more before Sunday when Raniero had a special project he had to take care of and he would be gone all day and possibly all night.

“Shit.” I muttered and opened up my voicemail so I could listen to the many messages he left for me. The first one was simple, just a ‘Hey, sorry I missed you’ kind of message. The next one sounded like he was worried and the last one he really was upset. He told me that he had checked in with his security guys and had sent one of them to the house to make sure I was okay and they had told him I wasn’t home. He said they checked Stella’s too and Stella said that I wasn’t there, but to check ‘some guy named Raniero’s house’ and that I needed to call him right away. He was using his upset father tone, the one that sounded like I was going to get the lecture of a lifetime, which didn’t make me want to call him, but I had very rarely missed a call from him so I could understand why he would be upset.

I waited for the coffee to brew and as soon as there was enough for a cup, I poured myself one, mixed in the cream and sugar, then took a sip. It was amazing and gave me the strength I needed to call my father back. Sitting at the kitchen counter, I dialed the number and listened to it ring once before it picked up on the other end.
