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“Anita, are you alright?” He asked in greeting and I nodded, even though he couldn’t see it.

“Yes, Dad, I’m fine. I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone. I think Crisco put it on silent again.” I explained, which was somewhat true. He had put it on silent, I just never fixed it.

“That damn cat is always messing with your phone.” He cursed and I chuckled.

“Yeah, but it’s so cute when he finds his fish game all by himself.” I countered and I could almost hear my father's eye roll.

“Well, I’m glad you’re okay, but where are you? You got my messages right?”

“Yes, Dad, I listened to them. I’m at….” I almost said my husband’s house, but that would go over like a fart in church and I so did not have the energy yet to have that conversation. I took a deep sip of my coffee and wished I had waited until at least cup number 5. “I’m at Raniero’s house. Your message said that Stella told you that that was where I probably was. Well, she was right. I’ve been here every night this week.”

“You never told me you were seeing someone.” He accused me and I closed my eyes. I could see his disappointed face in my head and I shook it, trying to get the image out from behind my eyelids.

“No, because it was new and I didn’t want you doing the whole scary dad routine on him.”

“I do no such thing.” He grumbled.

I wasn’t even going to validate that with a response. I just sat there and sipped my coffee, waiting for him to realize the ridiculousness of what he said. It took him about a minute before he finally huffed into the phone.

“Fine, I do that.”

“You do.”

“But it’s not uncalled for. I want to know who my daughter is spending time with.”

“Sure, but Dad, I’m a grown-ass adult now. I can make my own decisions and I can make my own judgment calls. You don’t have to protect me from everything.”

He sighed heavily.

“Once you have children someday I hope you understand. Now, this Raniero guy… what is his last name?”

I opened my mouth to answer, but I couldn’t. As soon as I told him, the shit would hit the fan and everything would come out. He knew exactly who Raniero was and I doubted a mafia boss’s son was what my father had in mind for a good match for his daughter. But surprise, Dad, it’s all your fault!

Yea… I definitely should have had more coffee before calling him back.

“Why, Dad?”

“Because it’s important.”

“It’s not. Really.”

“It is. I know one Raniero and to think that you might be with him… it makes my skin crawl.” He said coolly and I wondered what he knew. What was it that made my tough, fear-nothing dad cringe at the thought of me being with him? Has Raniero done things? Killed people? He had claimed to be a monster, but I saw nothing but sweetness out of him.

“Why, Dad? What did the Raniero you know do that made you so worried?” I asked, curious. Would he even tell me?

“Nothing you need to know about so long as you tell me your Raniero’s last name.” He countered. Ah, so we were going to play this game, were we? I was starting to get angry, which was not a good thing. Especially not before coffee.

“Oh really.” I started and took another long pull of coffee. It was almost a chuggable temperature, which I was quite thankful for. “Do you really want to get into things we aren't telling each other?

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, sounding genuinely confused.

“I’m talking about the fact that yes, my Raniero is the one you are so worried about. But do you know why I’m with him? Because he was told to kidnap me by his father to pay for a debt that you owe him. You stole something from him. So when were you going to tell me that you built your business on the money and backing of the mafia dad? When were you going to tell me that my inheritance, the house you and mom live in, and the condo that I own was purchased with blood money?”

He was silent for a very long time. So much so that I thought that he might have hung up.

“Dad?” I asked, slightly worried that he had.

“He had his son kidnap you?” He demanded. I could hear the anger in his voice in a way I had never heard before. It was like he was exploding in slow motion. “Tell me where you are right now Pumpkin, and I will get you out of there!”

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