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Raniero was wearing a black hoodie and black pants, but I knew it was him. Somehow over the past few weeks, I had grownto know his shape and be able to pick him out even if I couldn’t see his face. How did that happen? I suppose that it was a good thing, seeing as he was my husband.

Talk about mind-blowing weirdness. Never thought I would have that kind of claim on someone or they have it on me. But even though it happened so fast and the reason for it wasn’t the best of situations, I was strangely okay with it.

IlikedRaniero and we got along well. I trusted him and his odd gentlemanly ways while being completely kinky and fun. He was an odd person, but I felt like we matched up pretty well, seeing as I wasn’t the typical woman either. He understood my work and approved of it in a way no one else had before, but then again, I can’t imagine that most people would be very supportive of what he did for a living.

“Next time…” Lucy managed to say between gasps for breath. “Can we… not go… full out?”

“Agreed!” Someone from the back of the group called. “You’re killing us!”

“I’m not killing you.” I laughed and waved a hand in the air. “I’m training you!”

“Lies!” Alex called out and everyone laughed. Well, they laughed as well as they could.

Slowly, they all filed out of the studio and I followed them, curious as to why he was there so early. Normally he met me at home after yoga So I could feed Crisco and take a shower. That way I didn’t stink up his car, which seemed to be the one real luxury that he allowed himself. That and his big screen TV, but that he seemed to have just so he could watch the news. If it wasn’t for me, I doubted he would have watched any movies on it for the rest of the year and possibly the next.

“Hey, you.” I called to him as I walked through the parking lot. He pushed away from his car and grinned at me, reaching out to pull me to him. I made a face and put my hands on his chest topush away from him. “Ewww don’t hug me, I’m all sweaty and gross.”

“You are spectacular.” He countered and pulled me to him, wrapping me up in his arms. I made a face as I felt my shirt stick to me, but he smelt so good and he wanted to hug me even if I was gross. That touched something deep inside me that I didn’t want to examine quite yet, but it was akin to love, if not love itself. It was way too early to be feeling like that though so I ignored it for the moment and hugged him back.

“You flatter me.” I said into his chest.

“Not at all. I was watching you and you didn't stop. You are a machine and I admire that. You also smile and make the others play along which is a sign of a great teacher. Do not sell yourself short, Darling, you are nothing short of spectacular.”

I didn’t know what to say to that so I just hid my face in his chest and let him hold me, letting my face go red.

After a moment more, he let me go and I stepped back from him so I didn’t have to crane my neck to see his face. I still had to look up of course, but it was a little more comfortable. It helped that he settled back down into leaning against the hood of his car.

“So not that I’m not happy to see you, but why are you here? Is everything alright?”

“My father… has come up with an idea of how he wants me to punish you.” He said and my heart dropped. This couldn’t be good.

“Oh?” I said and folded my arms over my chest. “And what exactly does he want? Is this going to leave me permanently scarred? Missing a limb?”

He looked at me darkly and his voice held an edge of danger to it. I could finally hear what everyone else must hear when he’s in work mode so to speak.

“No. I would never follow through with something that drastic. My goal is not to harm you, no matter what my father wants, but this…” He hesitated and put his hands in his pockets. I waited, curious, intrigued, and scared all at the same time. “We have to go to a club and put on a show. My father made us a reservation.”

I lifted an eyebrow at him and tilted my head in confusion.


He sighed heavily and looked away from me towards the road like he was wishing he could just take off and hit do-over on this whole conversation.

“There is a club called Zane’s Scene that I used to frequent. Actually, before you I was practically a regular. And it’s a place… for people like me. Who have certain kinks.”

“Oooookay.” I drew out the word, not quite sure where he was going with this. “ Is it… a sex club or something like that?”

He nodded and I could feel my eyes widen in surprise. “Something like that.”

“Oh.” I looked at the road too, seeing Stella’s car pull into the driveway. “And we are... Going to put on what kind of show?”

“Do you trust me?” He asked, standing up all the way and taking a step towards me. He was uncomfortable, so much so that I could feel the anxiety radiating off of him like heat. I looked up into his eyes and could see him almost pleading with me to just go along with it. He needed me to trust him and when I thought about it… I did. I had no good reason to, other than the fact that he hadn’t screwed me over yet, but there was something about him that made me trust him.

“Yes.” I told him honestly. A smile flashed across his face for a moment, then it was gone.

“Good, because you are going to have to trust me to get us both through this. I will explain more when we get there, but we need to leave now if we are going to make it on time.”

“Do I have time to clean up?”
