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“Yes, just make it quick, please.” He said and I nodded.

I turned and jogged back to the studio as Stella was getting out of the car. She gave me an odd look then looked back over her shoulder towards Raniero’s car. He had gotten into it as I headed back to the studio, but she still watched the car as if she could see him through the tinted windows.

“What’s he doing here?” She asked and I shrugged.

“According to his father, we have someplace to be.” I told her, leaving out the details. She didn’t need to know them, especially when I didn’t have any answers. I was nervous and I didn’t want to go, which would certainly tip her off as to something being wrong and then I would never get out of here, but I couldn’t lie to her either. “We have a reservation.”

“He’s taking you out?” She asked, sounding surprised. “That’s… actually kind of sweet. You get to date your husband.”

I smiled, trying to hide my anxiety about the whole thing.

“Exactly, but I have to get going if we are to make the reservation. Do you mind…?”

I didn’t even get to finish the sentence before she waved me away from the door.

“Go, get your married butt out of here and get your date on. You deserve it.” She said and I smiled, happy to have such an amazing friend.

“Thanks, Stel!” I Called over my shoulder as I started jogging back to the car, my bag still in the back room, but I didn’t care. I would get it another time. “You’re the best!”

“I know!” She called back to me and I grinned even wider as I approached the car. The door opened for me and I got in, sitting carefully, not wanting to put my back against the seat. Raniero must have realized what I was doing because he rolled his eyes and pushed me back against the seat.

“You aren't going to ruin the seats. I have a leather interior for a reason; it's easier to clean.” He said and waited for meto buckle up before putting the car into drive. “Besides, I don’t give a shit if you’re covered in mud or blood, you deserve to be comfortable. The car is replaceable, you are not.”

“You know, sometimes you say the sweetest things.” I told him honestly, touched at how sincere he was. He rolled his eyes at me.

“I’m not being sweet, I’m being realistic. Your ideas of what sweet and kind are happen to be extremely screwed up.” he told me and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

He drove us to my place so that I could feed Criso and shower. I half expected him to interrupt like he had the other day, but he behaved himself, probably because of his interest in time. When I got out of the shower I was surprised to find a dress laid out for me on the bed. It was a simple black dress on the front and it had criss-crossing black straps for the back that ended in a V shape just above my ass. The skirt was also extremely short, which I normally would not have chosen for myself, but seeing as it was a gift from Raniero, I put it on without complaint. I went with a pair of strappy black heels that I had in the corner of my closet and a black thong, seeing as if I tried to wear any other type of panty, the lines would show. I also went braless, which wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but I didn’t have a choice in that.

I put my hair up in a clip that would hold all of my hair, then put on some makeup. Minimal work, just some eyeliner, mascara, and blush with red lipstick. It had been years since I had put on makeup, but when I was done, I was pleased with myself. I looked like I dressed up all the time and like this was no big deal, which was exactly what I was going for. I didn’t know what the dress code for a place like Zane’s was, but I doubted that Raniero would steer me wrong, especially when he had frequented the club, so I just took my cues from the dress. Formal date wear, with a little extra slutty.

When I walked down the stairs I almost fell on my face and it had nothing to do with the heels.

Raniero stood in the middle of my living room wearing black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a black vest that had a gold chain going from his belt loop to his vest pocket. He was fixing his cuff links as I walked down, but he looked up and my breath caught in my throat. His gorgeous blue eyes were highlighted by a black line of guy liner and his hair fell to one side revealing black studs in his ears. I didn’t even know his ears were pierced.

“Wow.” He said and turned to face me completely, looking me up and down as I made my way down the last few steps. “You look…terrific.”

“Thank you. You look amazing yourself. Look at you in a suit. You know, I don’t think I've seen you in anything other than black jeans and black T-shirts. Unless you count black boxers.”

“I don’t and don’t mention the times you’ve seen me without clothes, or we will never leave.” He said and his eyes flared with lust. I bit my lower lip and he let out a growl. “ And definitely don’t do that.”

He closed the space between us and tilted my head up with his index finger.

“Are you threatening me or promising me?” I asked with a grin.

“Yes.” He answered and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, opening my mouth for him to enter and he took the invitation, letting his tongue glide along mine. His arms came around me and pulled me as close to him as possible, his hands on the skin of my back; warm and enticing. I wanted his hands lower and I wanted that tongue to do many many things to me, but I just deepened the kiss instead, knowing we had to go to the club.

When he pulled away we were both breathless and his mouth was covered in my lipstick. I smiled and rubbed at his lips with my thumb, trying to get it off, but failing. I giggled.

“I’m sorry, I got you all red.”

“Never apologize for kissing me.” He said and wiped at his lips with his thumb. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s get going before I fuck you on the couch.”

“What if I want you to fuck me on the couch?” I offered and he groaned. I laughed and headed for the door, Raniero following behind me. He growled at me and I snickered as I opened the door and headed for the car.

It didn’t take us long to get to where we were going, which was both good and bad at the same time. Good because it didn’t give me long to overthink everything and bad because I was nervous as hell. If this was his father’s idea then it couldn’t be good, but I trusted Raniero. I knew that whatever happened, he would make sure that I was safe.

He pulled into a parking lot alongside a very tall building with a barbed wire fence around it. It was on the outskirts of the city so there was still a lot of traffic and there were street lights to light the parking lot on both sides. The lot was very full, to my surprise and there were only a few spaces left in the back, which was where Raniero parked. From outside there was a thrumming noise that seemed to be coming from the building. I guessed that it came from music being played very loudly.
