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But he took off his vest and threw it towards the bed, then he undid his shit, letting the cufflinks fall on the floor. He threw the shirt too when it was completely unbuttoned and he walked to me with the grace of a panther stalking its prey. He closed the distance between us and took me by the back of the neck, leaning my head up so I was looking at the ceiling. Slowly, he trailed a line of kisses from my shoulder up to my ear and whispered.

“Remember, Anita. You are mine and I will do whatever it takes to protect you.” I let out a soft moan as he nibbled on my earlobe and I could feel him smile against my skin. “Just play along as best you can. This is a show.”

“Okay.” I whispered back and before I could stop myself I added “I love you.”

I don’t know why I said it, honestly I don’t. I knew as soon as I said it that it was true though. I had been falling for him this whole time, but up until today, watching him move through his old life, trying to fit me in it and trying to change enough for me, having to face all the dangers just to protect me, somewhere along the line I fell for him. Hard. And after this, if he let the other men fuck me, I may be upset and I may not speak to Raniero for a while, but it wasn’t his fault any more than it was mine. This whole thing; the kidnapping, the threats, the marriage even, was all because of the decisions our parentsmade. This was being done to us and I would still love him after it. Because I knew he would try to save me.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes with an expression that I couldn’t quite read. Was it shock? Nervousness? Worry? Whatever it was, he kissed me before I could figure it out. A toe-curling kiss that set me on fire and had my legs shaking. It was a good thing that I was being held up by the chain attached to the ropes because I would have fallen into his arms if I could. He kissed me deeper than he had in the elevator with almost a desperate touch like he was worried it might be the last time. I kissed him back just as desperately, not wanting him to step away. Not wanting him to make room for the others. His body was blocking most of mine from everyone who could see and I would have given nearly anything to stay in his arms.

“Hey man, mind giving us a turn?” Earring asked and tapped Raniero on the shoulder. Raniero paused and looked behind him then looked back at me, stroking my jaw with his thumb. He mouthed the words ‘trust me’ and let go, stepping away from me.

The earring guy stepped in his place, pressing the front of himself against me. He was shirtless now and only wearing a pair of boxers that were tented in the front. I could feel how long and hard he was as he pressed himself against me and when he tried to kiss me, I tried to move my face away as much as possible. He ignored it and went for my neck instead, kissing the side that Raniero hadn’t kissed, his hands reaching around to grasp and spread my ass cheeks. He moaned in my ear and I felt someone else’s hands groping me from behind. The heat of another naked male chest warmed my back and another stiff cock clad in thin fabric pressed itself against my ass. The sensation of having two men against me was nice, but neither of them was Raniero. I wanted my husband, not these strangers. I had to keep telling myself to trust him. That this would be over soon, no matter what happened.

“Come on, move aside, I want first in.” I heard Babyface say from behind Earring who stopped kissing my neck long enough to laugh.

“No way man, I was here first.”

“Yeah, wait your turn. SHe’ll enjoy it a hell of a lot more if I’m in her ass and Drake fucks her pussy.” Dreads said from behind me. The thought made me both shiver in anticipation and worry. I would just have to talk myself into liking it. I could go with it. It’s a one-time thing and the guys don’t seem too bad. Jack had at least introduced himself to me and Earring, I mean Drake, seemed to be gentle enough despite his size. None of them had hurt me yet and I certainly didn’t want it to hurt.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

That turned out to be a big mistake because I nearly missed what happened.

Suddenly Drake let go of me and yelled, putting his hands on his back. He stepped back and faced whatever it was that had made him yell, which turned out to be Raniero. He was standing there in his boxer briefs, his dragon tattoo smiling at everyone, a bloodied knife the size of my forearm in his hand. He smiled at Drake with a grin that if it was aimed at me, would certainly have me trying to get away. It looked like a cross between the Joker’s grin and the smile that Jack Nicholson gets in The Shining when he pushes his face through the door. Completely and totally mental.

“What the fuck was that for?” Drake demanded, looking at his hand to reveal it covered in blood. He looked from his hand, back up to Raniero with shock. “You fucking sliced me!”

“You bet I fucking did and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave now before I chop your cock off.”

“Are you off you’re fucking rocker?” Dreads asked from behind me. He was still holding onto my tits and Raniero’s eyes focused on that. Cold, dead eyes that went along with the crazy grin onhis face. “Put the damn knife down and get over her. You fuck her first, we don’t care as long as we all get a turn, right fellas?

There was a murmur of agreement from Babyface and Drake, but nothing from Jack. He was quiet and off to the side, watching.

“How about you step away from my wife before I chop your hands off and shove them up your ass.” Raniero suggested and took a step forward. Dreads backed away and suddenly I was cold.

“Just calm down man, we know you’re in charge here.” Babyface said, walking toward Raniero with his hands up. He was completely naked, his cock half stiff. Apparently, he had been getting ready for a good time. “We came here to party, not fight. Look, if you’re jealous, we can put her on the bed like we suggested before, that way no one gets…”

He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Raniero was after him, plunging the knife deep into the kid’s gut. First, he plunged it in and then he jerked it upward, pulling Babyface in to keep him close. Blood trickled from the corner of Babyface’s mouth and his eyes nearly bulged from their sockets in shock. He hadn’t believed that Raniero would actually stab him.

Raniero pulled out the knife and blood poured out of the kid’s stomach. He reached for the wound, trying to close it, but it was too late. Babyface was dead before he hit the ground, a giant puddle of blood spreading out around him.

The crowd gasped and someone shrieked, but nobody moved. No one other than Raniero wiped the edge of the blade on his boxer briefs. He was splattered with blood now, across his chest, his stomach, his hands, and feet. Everything was red. And yet, he still smiled.

“Anyone else wants to tell me what we can do with my wife? Does anyone else think they can take her without permission?”

“We have permission man!” Drake countered, throwing his hands in the air. “Your father said..”

“My father doesn’t own my wife’s, mycollared property’spussy. Getting permission from him means shit. I am the one you need to ask. Or Anita and none of you asked.”

“I’m sorry man, I mean neither of you any harm.” Jack spoke up, putting his hands up. He was shirtless, but he had started shirtless. He still had his pants and shoes on.

“Then get the fuck out of here.” Raniero spat and Jack did, running for the elevator, past Raniero like he was expecting him to spring on him the moment he got past him. Raniero ignored him, putting his attention to watching Drake and Dreads who had circled around to the front of me and were standing together to face Raniero. They were both bigger than him, but not by much, and Raniero was fast.

“I don’t have any problems killing you then fucking your girl over your corpse, asshole.” Dreads told him, which made me cringe. The image floated through my head and I wanted to vomit, but instead, I looked up to the ropes that were tied to the chain. There was no way I was going to be able to get that down myself so all I could do was stand there and watch as Raniero took on Dreads and Drake at the same time. The bigger guys were quick, but I was right; Raniero was faster and he knew how to use the knife. He dodged their punches and grabs, slicing every bit of skin he could get to connect with the blade’s edge. Soon he was covered in blood and so was the floor. Drake made a wrong move, committing too much to a punch, and slipped, knocking his head on the concrete. Raniero was on him in a moment, pressing his knees into the larger man’s back and shoving the knife through his temple. Drake twitched for a while until his body stilled, eyes gazing blankly toward the elevators.

Dreads met a very similar death. He was enraged by Drake’s demise and began making stupid mistakes. He got one punch inon Raniero’s shoulder and he got cocky, then ended up getting wrapped up by Raniero, his arms wrapped up in a discarded shirt and tied behind him while Raniero plunged the knife into the man’s throat.

Throughout all of this, no one interfered, no one said anything. They just watched as three men died before them, as did I. I had never seen a dead body before and it was crazy to see the light go out of their eyes, these men that had been so alive and filled with lust. I didn’t regret Raniero’s actions, but I was shocked by them. He was murdering the men who would have fucked me in front of all these people.
