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Her admittance sent a thrill through me and I closed the distance between us, pushed her against the wall of the elevator, and kissed her like I had never kissed her before. I hit the down button as I drank in her soul and pressed my body as close to hers as I could manage. She kissed me back just as hard, just as thoroughly, as if she could climb inside me. My heart hurt as I reached between us and cupped her breast, squeezing gently, feeling her nipples harden under the material of the dress. I wanted to rip the dress off of her and suck on those nipples, but the elevator dinged and the door slid open.

“Woah, save some for the rest of us.” A voice said and I turned, glaring at whomever it was that spoke. It was a young kid that I recognized from somewhere, but I couldn’t quite place it. He was my father’s though, I knew that much, and I was guessing one of the men he wanted for the show.

“Shut the fuck up.” I growled and turned back to Anita, kissing her forehead.”Whatever happens, please, just trust me okay?”

“That’s asking for a lot.” She informed me but nodded. “I trust you.”

“Good.” I sighed, took her hand, and stepped away so she could follow me. “Let’s go.”


Ifollowed Raniero into a basement. There was no other word for it; everything was concrete and metal bars holding up the roof. There were lights in the ceiling, so at least it was a well-lit basement, but there was nothing warm about the space. There were drains in the floor, probably to make cleaning easier, but other than that, it was just a basement.

I expected there to be some swanky decor of something based on the other two levels, but no. Chains were hanging from the ceiling. There was a wooden cross with straps on it in one of the corners. There was a bed without sheets in another corner. There were black leather trunks stacked up along one wall, but for the size of the room, there wasn’t much. There was a door off to the right, but I had no idea what that could go to.

The worst part about the whole place was that there were 4 men down here with us and now I knew why. I was supposed to be the entertainment. I hated this idea and I didn’t want anything to do with it, but I did trust Raniero and he was asking me now to prove it. I just needed to be sure I was strong enough to trust him with everything.

The first of the 4 men was actually about my height. He was a kid, so far as I could tell. He had a baby face, spiky brown hair, and couldn’t be much more than 18. The next man I saw was taller, but not by much. He was at least part Asian with almond-shaped eyes, long black hair that he had in a ponytail and he was shirtless which displayed all his finely tuned muscles.

The other two were taller than Raniero. Both of them had deep chocolate skin. They stood next to each other and the one on the left had tattoos up his arms, a clean-shaven head, including facial hair, and a ring in his left ear. The other man had dreadlocks, a clean-shaven face, and no tattoos, but he wore a beaded necklace. They all looked at me like I was a piece of meat and it made my skin crawl.

Raniero walked into the room holding my hand and I followed, trying not to look any of the men in the eye. I was supposed to be submissive. I was a helpless little girl that needed saving. I could pretend, couldn’t I? I didn’t think I could take Earring or Dreads in a fight, but I was certain I could kick Babyface’s ass and I was willing to bet that I could hold my own with Ponytail.

“We were thinking of tying her to the bed. Ass up, feet spread, head down so that way we could each fuck one of her holes and she could jerk the other two off. The switching would be easy.” Dreads said as if he had done this before. I pictured it in my mind and shuttered. I wasn’t against the idea of being shared, I was just against being shared with men who I didn’t know and when it wasn’t my choice. Raniero and I hadn’t come here, gotten drunk, and decided to pass me around like a party favor. His father had decided for me. This wasn’t my choice. Which meant that this was not going to be a good time no matter what.

I cringed and Raniero’s grip tightened on my hand.

“No.” He said simply and walked us past the big men, heading to the side where the trunks were stacked. He let go of my handso he could dig through them. I stood there, watching, waiting to find out what my fate would be. All I could keep thinking was please, don’t let this happen.

“What do you mean, no?” Babyface demanded, folding his arms over his chest. “Your father told us we were here to put on a show and that's what we were planning on. I’m already at half-mast if you catch my drift.”

“It’s not like you’re being subtle.” Ponytail rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me. He smiled and held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Jack. What’s your name?”

I hesitated for a moment, then reached out and shook his hand. It was nice of him to talk to me like I was a human being and I appreciated it.

“I’m Anita.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Anita.” He said and turned my hand over to bend and kiss my knuckles. I gave him a small smile and took my hand back, happy that Raniero didn’t see it. He was so on edge that I wouldn’t put it past him to put him through the wall for such a small thing as a hand kiss.

He found what he was looking for because he took it out and turned back to me. He had a bundle of black rope in his hands. He looked at me, then down at the ropes, then back up to me.

“I want to tie you up and have you in the center of the room.” He said. He was asking for permission without asking, a very Raniero thing to do. He waited for an answer and I nodded.

“Yes sir.” I said and he smiled.

“Good. Please take off your clothes.” He said and I startled. Normally, if he told me to strip I would be all for it, but there were other people in here. Other men who were planning on fucking me. I hesitated, meeting his eyes then began to strip. I was trusting him after all, I had to do what he said.

I slipped the dress off my shoulders and let it slide to the floor. The men around Raniero made noises of approval, but the onlyperson who mattered was Raniero. I held his gaze as I bent and pulled down my panties, letting them fall to the floor as well. Heat spread through his eyes and I knew he liked what he saw, which made my pussy wet almost instantly. As long as I focused on him, I could get through anything.

He approached me with the rope and gilded me with a hand on my lower back to the center of the room. Then he began to tie the rope around my hands. He made intricate knots that created a netting pattern from my hands up my arms and when he got to the shoulders he lifted my hands, which he had tied together, and put them on the hook just above my head. Then he continued making patterns with the rope across my body.

Other people came in as he worked, but no one spoke directly to Raniero or anyone else. The 4 men stood close, watching as he tied the ropes around my breasts so they swelled and looked a lot bigger than they actually were, then down to the diamond shape he had made around my belly button. They talked amongst themselves in quiet murmurs and filed in around the edges of the room, leaving as much room between them and us as possible. I was guessing no one wanted to get in the way.

Finally, he reached the space between my thighs and he ran his hands up the insides of my things, running the rope between my legs, but not covering my pussy at all. In fact what he did seemed to keep the ropes as far away from it as possible, lining the top of my thighs. When he was finally done and I was completely covered in ropes, he stepped back and admired his work. The audience we had accumulated erupted in applause and Raniero turned and bowed.

“Ladies and gentlemen.” Raniero began. “I am happy that you have joined me here for this performance. I promise you, you will not be disappointed. What we will give you here today is a gift from the Siena Family. We are calling it, "Desire.”

The audience applauded again and he turned back to me. At first, I thought he was going to walk away and leave me to the men who were now on either side of me, not close enough to touch, but too close for my comfort. I was naked except for the ropes and everyone could see everything. I didn’t want them near me. I didn’t want everyone around me to watch whatever was going to happen. I didn’t want to be here and for that moment I thought my only lifeline to sanity was going to abandon me.
