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It took me two kicks by the handle to kick it in, splintering the cheap material of the door without any issue. It swung in and Jax entered first, aiming his gun at everything as he swept the apartment.

The place was trashed. There was half-eaten food and garbage all over the place. There was a hoard of flies hanging out in the kitchen to the right, landing all over the open beer bottles that littered the floor, the sink, and every other available surface. The living room was strewn with clothes and more food containers, mostly pizza boxes and ramen noodle cups. The TV was on and there was something large on the couch covered in a blanket.

After Jax swept the apartment and shrugged, not finding anything, we both approached the couch. Cautiously, I lifted the blanket.

The smell hit us like a wave of gas that nearly knocked us both out. We had thought the smell was bad before, but now it was multiplied by about 20. Kyle, or at least a body that I assumed was Kyle, was hunkered underneath the blanket, curled in a ball, dead. There was vomit in his mouth and a blue rubber tie wrapped around one of his arms. Jax covered his mouth and turned away from it.

“Jesus, man…” Jax exclaimed and I dropped the blanket on the other side of the couch. “He’s been dead just about as long as Gizmo has.”

“Looks like it.” I nodded, turning away myself. I didn’t need to see anymore. “Must have come home after killing Gizmo, shot up, and choked on his own vomit in his high-induced sleep. Fucking needle freak. What a fucking idiot”

“Guess we don’t have to take care of business after all.” Jax said and put his gun away. I shrugged.

“Sometimes, things just work themselves out.”

“That never happens to me though.” Jax shook his head and headed for the door. “I’m getting out of here, I can’t stand this shit anymore. I need to go home and take a shower.”

“Can’t say I blame you.” I agreed and followed him out. We didn’t bother trying to shut the door again. I would call Derek and tell him what I found and he would be able to send someone out to clean up. At least this time, my crew wasn’t responsible. It made it so much easier when I was just calling in as a concerned citizen.

We left the building and Jax headed out right away, ready to do whatever it was he had been doing before. He didn’t say goodbye or thanks, that wasn’t his style and I could respect that. It wasn't my style either.

When I got back in the car I called Derek right away and told him what we found. He sighed, thanked me for checking it out, and told me he would send someone out right away so I should vacate the premises. I told him I was already ahead of him and that whoever he sent out should probably wear a face mask. He thanked me for the advice and we hung up.

The next call I made was Anita.

“Hey hun, is everything okay?” She asked right away. I smiled and started driving. I needed to get as far away from the building as possible.

“Everything is fine, I was just able to wrap everything up sooner than expected.”

“Oh, that’s great!” She hesitated for a moment then added “right?”

“Right.” I smiled. “Do you want me to come get you?”

“Please! I have a few boxes and all my clothes packed up so we can take those back home if you think your car has enough room.”

I loved how she just called it home. I grinned and headed to her place.

“I’m sure we can make it fit.” I told her.

“That’s what he said?” She countered and I snorted out a laugh.

I think that was the moment when it finally sunk in. I was completely in love with my wife.


Iwoke up to fingers doing amazing things between my legs. I stretched and felt Raniero’s hard cock against my hip and smiled, turning my head so I could look at him. Heat lit up his eyes as he pulled one of my legs back and over his hip, giving him better access to my pussy. I of course didn’t mind a bit. I wiggled my hips against him and let out a soft moan, letting him know I was quite enjoying myself.

“Mmmm good morning to you, too handsome.” I said sleepily. We had gotten to bed late last night having gone out on our first date. He had taken me out to dinner after we finished putting my things away and then we watched a movie together while we ate ice cream. It was the perfect night and now he was treating me to the perfect morning.

“How is my darling this morning?” He asked, flicking his finger over my clit. I twitched, full body twitched, and I could almost hear him grin. “That good huh?”

“Yes actually, though you’ve been so attentive to me. I think that there is something I want to do to you this morning.”

Before he could answer, I took my leg back and got up on my knees, facing him. He was on his side facing me, so I had to roll him over onto his back before I could accomplish my goal.

When he was on his back, his cock stood up, long and proud. I had been dying to get my hands on him, but every time we had sex, he was in control. I liked it, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes a girl has to take the reins and explore. Keps her man on his toes. Well.. okay it keeps him on his back, but whatever.

I reached for him with my right hand and gripped him, loving the feel of his smooth velvety skin beneath my fingers. I pulled my hand down his cock to his balls, then back up to the tip, squeezing a little as I did so. Raniero’s eyes closed and his mouth opened a little, a look of pure bliss on his face. Good that was what I had been aiming for.

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