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“Are you warning me in case of background noise or because of prying ears?” He asked and I rolled my eyes.

“I tell you in case of background noise, though I am with my wife, Anita, but anything you can say can be said in front of her. She’s safe.”

“If you say so. Hello Anita, I’m Deputy Chief Derek, at your service.”

“Hello, nice to meet you.” She replied with a smile.

“What do you have for me, Derek?” I asked, curious as to what it was he had found.

“Right. Well, we did find fingerprints both on Gizmo's arm and on the syringe as you thought. It all belonged to one person who happened to be in our system. His name is Kyle Balaski, and he’s a known heroin dealer in the area. Now I can’t say as to why he shot Gizmo up with his dope, but I do know that he was the person doing it.”

I nodded, glad that it wasn’t something bigger. Chances are it was a turf war battle gone wrong and Kyle wanted Gizmo out of the way. This also meant that Kyle was trying to get in on our business’s turf, which could not be allowed. If we let one fucker get away with it, then everyone would be offing our dealers and the place would be full of needle freaks.

We didn’t have a strong foothold in the drug business because we didn’t deal in heroin or any of the shootables so a lot of the others thought they could get away with pushing us around. They thought that because we were mostly involved in coke and marijuana that we were pussies and didn’t deserve to be in the business at all. What they didn’t understand was that we could recognize a market, but we wouldn’t sacrifice all our values for money, especially when there were plenty of other avenues to make money.

“Do you have an address on Kyle?” I asked and Anita took out her phone without being asked. I looked over and she was already opening our text messages so she could send them to me. Clever girl.

“I do.” He assured me and gave it to me without blinking an eye. “As usual, you didn’t learn any of this from me.”

“Oh of course not.” I assured him and smiled. “Thanks, man.”

“Anything to help out brother. We may be on different sides of the law, but we can accomplish wonderful things together.”

“Absolutely.” I agreed and hung up. My phone pinged with a new text and Anita put her phone away.

“I sent it to you.” She informed me.

“Thank you, Darling, That’s a huge help.”

“No problem. I’m going to assume that you need to go handle it?” She asked and I nodded.

“Unfortunately.” I admitted. “Do you want to head back home? Or would you rather head back to your place?”

“If you drop me off at my place, I can start packing. Also, I think I need to clip Crisco’s claws.”

“Alright, that sounds like a good idea then.” I said and adjusted my route to head to her place instead. I was looking forward to her moving in and being done with her place altogether. I wasn’t excited about the cat, but I would be able to deal. It was worth having the fluffy menace in my space to have Anita there for good as well.

I didn’t like the idea of dropping her off, I had wanted to spend the day with her, but taking care of Kyle quickly was important.

I dropped her off at her place, kissed her goodbye, then headed to the address she texted to me. Luckily, it wasn’t that far away so I got there within a half hour. He lived on the outskirts of the city in a run-down apartment complex that had surely seen better days. On my way there I had called Jax to tell him to comealong for the ride. This was his area so he deserved to know what was going on. I waited for him while I scoped out the area.

There were many people in the building even though half of it was falling apart. I made a mental note to see who the landlord was and take the building from them. Places like this were why there were slums in cities and if people just upheld their responsibilities and used the rent they got to fix the buildings themselves instead of trying to get rich off of other people’s money, the place would be a whole lot better.

Jax pulled up behind me on the street and parked. I got out of the car and walked over to him, making sure to lock the doors. Jax got out looking like he had just rolled out of bed. I raised an eyebrow and he shook his head.

“Don’t ask. Bad night.” He said and looked up at the building. “This where Gizmo’s killer is?”

“Yeah, he lives here. 3rd floor, room 3362.”

“You got a plan?”

“We go in, take him from his home, bring him to the bay, shoot him between the eyes, and give him a pair of cement boots. Cut and dry, everyone who sees it on the news will know we did it and it will keep others from trying to take over our territory.” I said and shrugged. It might not go that way, but it was a better plan than any. Quick, precise, and to the point.

Jax seemed to agree because he nodded and started for the front door of the apartment complex. I followed him, gripping my knife in my pocket. I knew Jax would be carrying a gun so I didn’t have to get mine out of the glove box of my car. I doubted we would be matched with much firepower. If he killed Gizmo with his stash, he didn’t have much else to work with.

Jax and I headed up to the apartment, ignoring the peeling wallpaper, the grungy, dingy carpet in the halls, and the doors that were opened onto rooms that were trashed and seemingly vacant. The smell of the place was strong enough to make mewant to gag. It smelled of cat piss, human waste, cigarettes, and an oily smell I couldn’t recognize and didn’t want to. On the third floor, it was worse and I had to hold my hand over my nose. Jax stepped over a man who was either sleeping in the hallway or dead and neither of us stopped to find out which.

We found room 3362 and Jax brought out his gun. I knocked loudly on the door, trying the nice guy's approach. No one answered. I put my ear up to the door and listened. I could hear the TV on, but nothing else. I knocked louder and still, he didn’t come to the door. I knocked one last time and when he still didn’t come to the door, I kicked it in.
