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It bothered me so much that it took extra effort to meditate when the class called for it, but eventually, it slipped from my mind and I was able to enjoy my class. Not even dark, giant strangers could ruin my yoga lesson. Not for long anyway.


Anita’s photo had been pretty, but nothing had prepared me for the actual beauty she was.

I had gone to the studio that had been listed as her place of work and had been able to get a front-row view of her without her knowing. She had been instructing a class, a kickboxing class it said, and she was a machine. She pushed her people to the point of exhaustion, but she hardly even lost breath, even when she had been doing exercises longer and harder than her class had.

Sweat glistened on her skin, so she wasn’t completely unaffected, but I doubted that if I could hear her, I would hear tiredness in her voice.

When the class wrapped up, I snuck around the corner of the building and observed the ones who left, then I checked my watch. Okay, so her Friday class got out at 5:30. I marked it down in the notebook I kept in my hoodie pocket, taking as many notes as possible.

When I’m sent on a job, I like to make sure I have as much information as possible. The file Dad gives me is good, a terrificplace to start, but it is never as thorough as I need. I need more. I need to know their routines, the people they know or see every day, their friends, their family, and their habits. I need to know as much as possible to make sure I don’t screw anything up.

Anita is meant to disappear completely. No one should be suspicious of foul play.

I waited a few minutes after the class left and started to come out from around the corner, but headlights turned into the parking lot from the main road. I hunkered back down and watched a tall leggy woman with blonde hair pulled tightly into a bun on the back of her head get out of her car and strut her way towards the building. I expected her to knock or something seeing as the class had already left, but instead, she took out a set of keys and walked right in.

Right, that must be Stella Altman. She was the other female teacher to rent the space, though I couldn’t remember what for, not that it mattered. What mattered was that I now no longer had a window for taking Anita. I had planned on taking her after the class when she came out to catch a ride home.

Damn, there goes that plan.

Annoyed, I decided I would observe the two of them, and try to figure out what their relationship was like.

I rounded the corner and watched them talk and laugh as Anita cleaned the punching bags then they both brought them one by one into the back room. Clearly, they liked each other and I found myself drawn to Anita’s relaxed stance. She was gorgeous in her tight black leggings and her black and cream-colored sports bra that only had one strap going over her right shoulder. Her short-cut hair was just long enough to fit into a tiny ponytail, though her bangs fell from it which, to me, defeated the point of having it. Her eyes lit up when she smiled too, I could see that even from my spot outside the window.

Before I even realized what was happening, those brilliant hazel eyes were staring at me and my breath caught in my throat for a moment. Not because I was found watching her as she cleaned up, but because I felt a zing of energy go through my body. I enjoyed her seeing me, even if the look on her face was shocked instead of happy.

She moved towards the door and I slid back into the shadows, not wanting to confront her right now. Not with Stella inside as a witness. I couldn’t take her now, even though I wanted to.

The monster in the back of my head, the one that told me I could do whatever I wanted to her, lifted its ugly head and asked me why not? Why couldn’t I just take her back to my place, tie her up in my dungeon, and have my way with her? It was my job to do so and Iwantedto. I wanted her more than I had wanted to take any other person I had brought down there. I felt the need like a tingle just under my skin. Something was special about her and I wanted to find out what it was.

I needed patience though. Patience was the key.

So I waited and watched as the next class came in. Yoga, by the looks of the mats and the type of people who walked in the building. I moved towards the window again so that I could watch. All eyes were on Stella, who was at the head of the class demonstrating the next move, so I could watch undetected, and what a view it was.

Anita was flexible.

She performed every move just as well as Stella, if not better, and her focus was perfect. She hardly wavered in her stances at all and I got to admire her physique. She was fit, but she wasn’t rail thin like Stella was. She had muscles, probably from the two classes of kickboxing she taught a day, Monday through Friday. No doubt she would be a formidable foe in a hand-to-hand fight.

Hmmmm, now there was a thought.

I shoved that thought away not wanting to get lost in a fantasy before this was done and over with.

I waited until they broke away from their meditation to sneak back around the corner of the building, out of sight. I had a feeling Anita would help Stella clean up like Stella had helped her and then they would both be on their way. Just as I had predicted, everyone from the class left except for Anita and Stella, and then I waited in the darkness for them to come out. About 10 minutes later they came out together, both carrying gym bags with them. To my annoyance, Anita got into Stella’s car and when the vehicle pulled out of the parking lot, leaving it empty, I huffed out a sigh of annoyance and went around back to why my car was parked. I had been here all day watching and waiting and yet, I didn’t get my chance.

Oh well. I was wrong and I could admit when I was wrong. So I needed to do a little more research and if I happened to catch her at the right time, then I would take her, but be careful. I needed to be careful. I needed a plan and I couldn’t fuck this up.

I got in my car and turned the engine on, ready to leave, and headed for Anita’s place when my phone rang. I answered it without looking because the only people who had my number were important. People I would want or need to talk to.

“Yeah.” I said, my hands on the steering wheel, ready to head in whichever direction I needed to go. I hoped it was Anita’s place; the file with her address in it was in the glovebox, but I doubted it.

“Niero, it's Jax. We have a situation at the warehouse.”

“What kind of a situation?”

“The kind that involves us needing your… expertise.”

I hesitated a moment and then headed in the direction of the warehouse. It was a site for a lot of our business that was less than legal because it was in the middle of the woods, on the edge of the bay and the only road to get there could be easilymonitored. I was pretty sure the cops, even the ones not on our payroll, knew about it, but they all stayed out of our way with the unspoken agreement that as long as whatever we did on our land in our building didn’t come across their desks, they would leave us be. It was a great unspoken rule.
