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“What happened?”

He hesitated and I gripped the phone tighter. I hated when people didn’t answer me the first fucking time I asked.

“Jax, either answer me now or I’m hanging up and you can deal with your own fucking problems.” I warned him.

“It’s… well… Trips and Gizmo were out selling tonight and they took more than they usually do because they were out there together you know? Figured there was strength in numbers.” He said and I closed my eyes for a second, taking my hand off the steering wheel at the stop light in front of me to rub the space between my eyebrows. “ But this big guy… he um… well he knocked them both out and took what they had.”

“How much?” I demanded.

“ They had about 10 baggies of coke between them.” Jax admitted and I ran the number in my head quickly.

“ Gizmo and Trips are in a whole lot of trouble if they don’t get that product back. That shit was traded to us as payment for the equipment we sent to China.”

“Yeah, well that’s why they called me in. I caught the asshole, but he won’t tell me where he put it all. Was hoping you could take a swing at things. You have your ways.”

“I’ll be there in 10.” I said and hung up.

I was there in about 8, but who’s counting?

I parked outside and met Jax at the door. He was covered in dirt and had a few scratches on his face, but he didn’t look too bad.

“You tackled him didn’t you.” I said, letting some of the amusement I was feeling enter my voice. Jax grinned and fist-bumped me.

“You know it. Had to, the fucker’s huge. Took all three of us to get him here.”

“Whimps.” I snickered and followed Jax into the Warehouse. He led me through the halls and then into the main room. It used to be an old meat packing plant so there were rolling belts and metal tables still laying around, most of which had been pushed into corners. I always thought they might come in handy somehow and I was right.

The guy was laying on the floor in the far corner with his arms duct-taped together behind him as well as his ankles taped together. He was swearing in what I thought might be Russian, but then again, everything said in Russian sounded like a swear. Gizmo and Trips were standing over him, looking at each other like they were lost and hadn’t a clue what to do, which was accurate. They were pretty much useless except to sell drugs.

I approached the guy on the floor and he started squirming. He either recognized me or knew that they were calling in reinforcements.

“Well look what we have here.” I said and crouched down so I could get closer to his face. “A little worm, wriggling on the floor all helpless-like.”

The guys behind me laughed, but the man on the floor spit at me. It hit my shoe and I looked from it to the man who was saying something in Russian to me again.

“That wasn’t very nice, little worm, but I’ll let you clean up your mess.” I said and stood, lifted my boot to the man’s face, and whipped his spit on his cheek. The man yelled even louder and I tilted my head, looking down at him like the insect he was. “Now, in English, are you going to tell us where the drugs are?”

He glared at me.

“No.” He spit out and I tsked at him, waving my pointer finger in the air.

“See I was hoping you would take the easy route, for your sake, because between you and me, I get a little too happy when I have to cut someone open for answers. Sometimes I forget to stop. You wouldn’t want me to forget, would you, little worm? Don’t you want to get out of here alive?”

The man stopped swearing and looked at me seriously. There was hate in his eyes, but he was at least calming down so that was a plus.

“Yes.” He said and I nodded.

“Good boy. Now, tell me where you hid the drugs so I don’t have to skin you with a pocket knife? I didn’t exactly come prepared to torture you.”

He looked at me and said nothing. The silence in the warehouse stretched on forever and I had the strangest urge to flip one of the metal tables just to break it. When he didn’t say anything for a few good minutes I picked up my boot and placed it on his stomach. Immediately the man began to squirm, trying to get away from me. I raised an eyebrow at Jax, who gave me the same look and I pressed harder. The man beneath me began to yell.

“No! No! Don’t do that!” he yelled and I grinned.

“Ah… tell me, Gizmo..” I said, turning to the man just behind me. “Why would he be so upset about my boot on his gut when I’ve hardly even put pressure on him?”

Gizmo looked at me and shook his head.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know boss…” He said and I turned back to the worm.
