Page 59 of Saving Becky

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Carter stopped Becky from asking her mom about it later that evening. “Hush, baby, and let me think about this first. We have to figure a few things out and have a meeting tomorrow morning before we go opening any more cans of worms.”

“Fiiine.” She whispered back harshly.

Damn, Carter hated that word.

BECKY, CARTER, ANDCallie were on Garrett’s computer in a hotel room. They had decided that it was too many people in Becky’s family home even though it did accommodate them well. Monroe took the room and the two couples stayed in the house. It gave Monroe the ability to wander as he needed to, undetected.

Sharlee seemed bursting with news and began talking as soon as things had settled down.

“Becky, did you see that truck? The white one that Monty drove up in?”

“I was looking at it but there was so much going on yesterday, I couldn’t remember why it was so significant at the time and then I forgot. Oh my God. That’s the truck. I know it is. I knew it pricked my memory somehow, but I thought I was mistaken.”

Kaden put the picture on the digital board. “Right. Now we found who the shooter was thanks to Callie’s photos while waiting for the police. Royce Morton.”

A picture of a male mid-twenties appeared next to Monty. “That’s Bobby Morton’s older brother. My Uncle Karl’s part-timer.”

There was nothing but shuffling papers for a few seconds before Garrett said, “Well, Karl was shot, so if it isn’t Karl, and the truck belongs to Monty, but Monty wasn’t there at the time of the shooting, and the shooter was Karl’s clerk’s brother, then who the hell has done what to make the inventory the key to everything? Why kill over that shit?”

“Unless it’s way more valuable than rat kibble.”

Jac spoke up. “We need to know what is in those boxes delivered yesterday.”

Becky shook her head. “Locked down, remember?”

Levi spoke over the video, “Since when has that stopped us?”

“I can go on a recon mission after dark if Sharlee or Kaden can take care of the cameras and alarms.”

“I can take care of the alarms. I know the code and my fingerprints are everywhere.”

A chorus of male voices spoke in stereo. “No.”

Jac chimed in. “You aren’t putting yourself at risk, Rebecca. We have too many loose ends right now to make it safe for you.”

“Fine, a compromise. If you can’t figure it out by the time Monroe needs to go, then I’ll do it on the ground.”

Garrett said, “Deal.”

“No, not deal,” said Carter.

She turned pleading eyes to Carter and reached for his hand. “We have to finish this mess up. Please let me do this.”

Carter ran his hand over his short-cropped hair and down the back of his neck. “If we can make it safe.” Becky leaned over and kissed him. Carter deepened it.

“Get a room, guys,” teased Levi on the screen.

Callie got their attention. “We have another bit of news that throws another wrench in the works. Becky’s mom was very cozy with Monty. They had lunch together yesterday.”

The possible implications were clear, but no one wanted to put thoughts into words.

“Right, here are the new assignments. Let’s lock this down today, people. By tomorrow morning, I want Rebecca to be confirmed safe and to be able to turn all this evidence and information to the local police and back out. We need to get back to just doing our normal security and bodyguarding. This other shit is annoying.”

Jac spent the next fifteen minutes discussing where things looked like they were going and what he wanted people to explore further. “Carter, find out the connection between Mrs. Carrington and Monty Rasher.”

“Garrett, you organize the groundwork there, and we’ll touch base later today.”

Carter hesitated. “The Carrington Rasher connection might be delicate.”
