Page 108 of Sinners are Winners

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It was even more likely that it was a full moon due to the brightness.

Walking over to the window, I spread the curtains open wide and stared out, forgetting momentarily that I wasn’t alone.

There was a shift on the bed behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see Lock now resting on his back instead of his side.

I licked my suddenly parched lips when I got my first good look at him in the moonlight.

It was like a spotlight was shining straight through the window and pointed straight at him where he lay on the bed.

And suddenly, my head was no longer focused on what was going on with my dad—and with me and Lock. Instead, it was totally focused on Lock. More importantly, on Lock’s anatomy.

I turned and leaned my ass against the windowsill, eating him up with my gaze.

He was naked underneath the sheet that was covering him.

The sheet came all the way up to his chest, tucked tightly to him and held in place by one lone muscular arm. His other arm was thrown up over his head, tucked slightly behind his head where it rested on the pillow.

The only bit of skin I could see on his entire body was his arm, neck, face, and one foot that was poking out at the bottom of the sheet.

His hand was resting on his taut abdomen, splayed out, fingers spread wide on his belly.

And his face was tilted away from the moonlight that was streaming in through the window.

His breathing was even, and his chest rose and fell at a steady rate, drawing my attention.

I studied his muscular chest that was covered by the flimsy sheet and wondered if he was cold.

I could make out one pert nipple that was tight and hard, indicating that he had to be at least somewhat cold.

Pushing off the windowsill, I walked over to the end of the bed and tugged the sheet down over his foot.

The move caused the sheet to tighten up around other areas of his body, and I couldn’t help but look at one area in particular.

His cock lay limply against his thigh. His balls resting between them.

Even limp, his cock was still impressive.

I bit my lip and reached over, unable to help myself.

When it came to Lock’s body—specifically his cock—I sometimes didn’t have the greatest of impulse control.

I ran my finger, just the very tip, down the length of his cock, base to tip, secretly thinking I should’ve tugged down the sheet first.

Lock suddenly moved, and with the way in which he threw the sheet off his body, I thought he was awake.

He wasn’t.

Once the sheet was down at his waist, both of his arms moved, tucking up behind his head.

The new position put his abs on display, giving me a clear and unencumbered view of his beautiful chest.

My eyes trailed down the length of him, once again going to his cock that still held the most fascination to me—at least at this moment in time.

The sheet was bunched up around his cock, which was now resting on his other thigh—the one closest to me.

Sadly, the way the sheet was bunched, I couldn’t see his cock as clearly as I’d been able to previously.

But, saying that, I could definitely tell that it was no longer in a soft state.

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