Page 80 of Sinners are Winners

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And he didn’t say a word to my outburst.

Only wrapped me up in his arms and squeezed tight.

“Shhh,” he said into my hair as I cried into the uniformed shirt of his chest. His very hard chest seeing as he was still wearing his Kevlar vest that he wore while he was at work. “It’s okay.”

It wasn’t okay…at least not for those two parents.

Their lives had irrevocably changed today, and I hated that for them.

One second everything was perfect, and the next, not.

But…Lock was partially right.

My life was perfect.

In the two weeks that I’d been living with him, I’d realized a couple of things.

A, I really liked who Lock was as a person. He was kind, caring, sweet, possessive, and hot.

B, he took care of me. Not in an ‘I’m controlling’ kind of way, but in an ‘I care about you’ kind of way. He made me coffee to go in the morning. He sent texts to me, making me smile. He always let me know when he’d be home late.

C, I was falling in love with him.

Hard and fast.

I sniffled and pulled away, wiping my eyes.

“What are you going to eat?” I asked, sucking up snot in a very unladylike fashion.

He grinned. “I ordered a pizza.”

I laughed then, unable to help myself.

“We’re going to gain fifteen pounds tonight,” I admitted.

He didn’t say a word.

Only dropped a kiss onto my lips and said, “So?”

I snorted, then remembered the man from earlier.

“Hey, what was that guy there for earlier? The one that looked all grumpy and official?” I asked.

Lock’s face suddenly grew murderous.

“Someone turned her into the city,” he said. “Filed a couple of violations on her. They’re bogus. She can clear them up easily with a lawyer, but it was more than obvious that it was some bullshit when the guy served her the papers.”

“Served her papers…is it a lawsuit?” I asked, surprised.

He nodded. “Among other things.”

I blinked. “What…wow.”

“The lawsuit is for discrimination. Apparently, a man came there to apply for a job that day you interviewed with her—the receptionist job she was talking about—and my mother turned him down because she’d just hired you.” He sighed. “We’re fairly sure that the guy was responsible for turning her in on those violations, too. Though, most of them won’t hold any water.”

“Most of them?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “One might. But my mom didn’t go into further details. She went to talk to her lawyer with my dad. I didn’t get a chance to do any more asking about it because I was worried about you.”
