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"Fine. Brittany's waiting for me in her cabin."

Luis lets out a low whistle. "You're a lucky man. Although I shouldn't be saying that since what you're doing is against company policy, and I should be reporting you. But who am I to stand between a man and his potential soulmate?"

Dane grins and shakes his head. "That's a bit extreme, seeing how Brittany and I have only known each other for less than a week. It must be the romantic in you. Seriously, though, I appreciate your discretion."

"Hey, it's because you're a nice guy, and I enjoy working with you. Besides, if you get fired, the company won't replace you since this is the last cruise of the regular season, and I'll have to absorb some of your work." Luis laughs, his smile fading as quickly as it came. "Honestly, though, you've had my back, so I figure I should return the favor. Anyway, since you have plans, you can leave now if you want. I'll clean up. But be careful. Beckett doesn't know what's going on, and you don't want him, Donovan, or the captain to find out. And if you get caught, I'll pretend I don't know a damn thing."

Dane's heart rate jumps at the mention of Donovan. He's been so focused on keeping his relationship with Brittany hidden from Beckett and the captain that he forgot about their hotel manager, Donovan Hughes. Dane will need to be even more careful going forward since the last thing he needs is for one of the housekeeping staff to discover he's been in Brittany's cabin and report him.

Dane sighs at the added complication. "Understood, and thanks for letting me go. I'll see you in the morning." He takes off his apron and steps from behind the bar.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow," Luis says over his shoulder.

Dane heads out the glass sliding door and down the stairs, a sex-filled night with Brittany consuming his thoughts. He stops in the reception area, looks down the passenger corridor, and groans.

You've got to be kidding me! Why the hell is Jerry standing in the hall?

He squints his eyes and takes another look. Brittany's cabin is halfway down, and that's right where Jerry is standing. But what is he doing, and why is he there? Dane shakes his head at his bad luck. Then, the realization hits him, and he can feel his anger rising. The son of a bitch saw Brittany pass him that note across the bar and is trying to catch the two of them together—or trying to get together—as he acts like he's the cruise ship police or something.

Dane growls as he circles to the backside of the staircase and trots down the steps to the lower level. Passing the passenger cabins, he continues to the crew's quarters further down the corridor. Opening the door to his room, Dane finds Luka lying in bed watching television. He pulls his phone from his pocket and sits at the desk.

"What are you doing?" Luka asks.

"I have to send someone a text."

"Your lady friend with those four older women, by any chance?"

Dane scowls.

"I knew it," Luka laughs. "I knew something was going on between you two."

Dane glares at him but says nothing.

Luka sits up, his expression turning solemn. "Hey, I won't say anything. I swear. So, you don't have to worry."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Dane finishes typing out his message to Brittany.

Dane: I left the lounge. I can't come to your cabin right now. Jerry is standing outside your door.

He hits the send button and gets one back from her almost immediately.

Brittany: WTF! Why?

Dane: Trying to catch me coming to your cabin? Maybe? Not quite sure.

Brittany: Where are you?

Dane: My cabin. I'll try again in a few minutes.

Brittany: Hang on. Let me see what I can do.

Dane: Okay. I'll take a quick shower while I wait.

Dane sets his phone on the desk and rubs his temple. This isn't how he thought his night with Brittany would go.

"Are you all right?" Luka eyes Dane warily. "You look upset."

Dane sighs. "That and frustrated. I'm supposed to go to Brittany's cabin, but a guest is hanging out in the corridor that I think is trying to catch us together. He's made us his target for some reason."
