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"Yes, you are," Katherine says, backing me up.

Katherine Gates is the managing editor ofExploremagazine and my boss. She's cold, blunt, and, at times, ruthless. Katherine's also a friend, mentoring me since I joined the company as an intern during my senior year in college.

While she gives her weekly spiel, going over where we're at on the next publication and checking to see who has questions or needs help on an assignment, I reach for one of the donuts in the center of the table. It's a delicacy of white glaze and raspberry filling, and I savor my first bite as a glob of gooey goodness sticks to my bottom lip. I scoop the filling up with my tongue and run my finger over the spot to make sure the blob is gone. After taking another sugar-filled bite, I turn my attention back to Katherine.

"As I mentioned during our last meeting, Natalia wants storyline suggestions for exotic destinations and unusual activities. So, who has some great ideas?" Katherine's eyes dart around the table.

I stop chewing and scan the faces in the room. If our editor-in-chief, Natalia Bergen, wants ideas, they better be good ones. Demanding and picky, Natalia will settle for nothing less. I stay silent and continue to savor my donut, wondering who will be the first to step to the plate and pitch something.

"I've got an idea." Drake straightens in his chair and proudly says, "We could do a story about hot-air ballooning. It's seldom mentioned, except in publications dedicated to the activity, so it would be a great subject. We can talk about the safety andaffordability of the activity. Then we can cover some of the exotic places around the globe where you can take a hot-air balloon ride."

I stare open-mouthed at Drake while Katherine rubs her jaw, seemingly deep in thought. I wonder, for a moment, if Candace willingly offered Drake the storyline, which I know is her idea. But based on her flushed face and tight lips and the way she's staring into her lap, I doubt that's the case. Candace looks too upset, and there's no way she'll embarrass Drake by claiming the idea as her own. She's too timid to set the record straight.

But I'm not.

"Excuse me, but I believe that storyline suggestion is Candace's. She mentioned it to me last week," I tell the group, looking directly at the idea-stealing prick across from me.

"Candace? Is this true?" Katherine raises an eyebrow at the poor woman shrinking in her chair with a complexion as red as a tomato.

"I…um," Candace stammers before hanging her head and staring into her lap.

"It's my story. How dare you say otherwise. You're mad because you wish it were yours," Drake spits out. He glares at me with hatred in his eyes.

"Sorry, but I can come up with suggestions of my own. I don't need to rip off someone else's. And in my opinion, you're a weasel who thinks having a dick gives you the right to push and manipulate the women around you."

"You bitch," Drake breathes, his chest rapidly rising and falling as he clenches his pen.

"Back at you." I touch my fingertips to my forehead and pretend to flick a handful of bad juju at him.

"In my office now," Katherine grinds out between clenched teeth. She stands and stares at me.

I get up from my chair and shoot Drake a defensive glare, then I swivel on my heels and march out of the conference room.

"What the hell was that all about?" Katherine says when I sit in one of the chairs in front of her desk. She stands there eyeing me like I've lost my mind while she waits for my answer, her toe-tapping making a soft thudding sound on the carpet.

I open my mouth to answer as her office door opens, and Romeo pokes his head into the room.

"Whatever excuse she's giving you is a lie. Britt's having a meltdown because she and Troy broke up," he says, nonplussed at interrupting my reaming.

"Is that so?" Katherine replies, raising a questioning eyebrow at Romeo.

"She told me about it this morning. Troy cheated on her," he whispers.

"Hey, people. I'm sitting right here. I can hear you."

"Of course, you can. You're sitting in front of me." Katherine flips her hand dismissively.

I clear my throat and give Romeo one of my death stares. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." With a toss of his shoulder, Romeo closes the door.

I turn back to Katherine as she takes a seat at her desk.

"That certainly explains your man-hater attitude last week. But, regardless of the reason, I can't have you walking around here attacking staff. Did your outburst have anything to do with the fact you and Drake are both in line for the senior editor position? Competition can bring out the nastiness in people."

"Come on, you know me. I wouldn't go after Drake because we're competing for the same job. He's a prick who stole someone's idea, which isn't right. And Candace won't defend herself."

"And your split with Troy didn't have anything to do with it?"

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