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"No. Well…maybe."

"I think you need a break from the office and time away from New York to get yourself in a better frame of mind. Natalia gave me a storyline she wants in an upcoming publication. I haven't assigned it to anyone yet, and I think it's perfect for you. Besides getting you away from the city to regroup while I deal with Drake, it'll give you a chance to relax and get pampered, which I believe you sorely need right now."

"But I just came back. Can I at least catch my breath before you send me out of town on another assignment?"

"I'm aware you just came back, and you're going again. Otherwise, I'll be forced to reprimand you for your outburst and unprofessional attack on a coworker. Your choice."

"That's coercion."

"No, it's called keeping you out of trouble. It's best you take a break from here until you can get yourself together. Plus, it'll end the rampant whispers I keep hearing about the 'I'm going to eat you alive' look in your eyes."

Unable to defend my behavior, I sink into the chair. "Fine. What's the assignment?"

"Voyager River Cruises is celebrating its twentieth year in business, and Natalia wants us to do a story about river cruising with a small blurb about the company. They're based in London, with their cruises focused on the European continent. I had Romeo check with the cruise line, and they have a cabin available on their eight-day river cruise from Budapest, Hungary, to Regensburg, Germany. I'll have him book you on it."

"When is the cruise?" I struggle to contain my irritation at being pushed into the assignment. Then again, if I want the promotion—which I do—I'm forced to take every task and assignment thrown at me. Any refusal on my part could hand the position to Drake.

Katherine rifles through a stack of paperwork on her desk and pulls out a sheet of paper. She scans it and looks across the desk at me. "The cruise begins in Budapest on November thirteenth. It appears that's the last available cruise of their regular season. Since it's such short notice, all their other sailings are fully booked except for a handful of Christmas market itineraries in December. But I'd rather send you on the assignment sooner than later based on the circumstances."

"November thirteenth? But that's in two weeks." My eyes fly wide open, and I stare at Katherine. "I still have to review those articles from our freelance writers on autumn snow skiing in the Austrian Alps and affordable bed-and-breakfasts in New York. On top of that, I have one of Matthew's stories to edit, some layouts to work on with Trina, and a backlog of research to do, and I told Marcus I'd help with some fact-checking."

"Yes, you do, and I'm sure you'll make it all work."

"Thanks for your unwavering faith in my abilities," I snip. "I suppose there's a bright side. At least I get to come home before Thanksgiving. That's a plus."

"Cheer up. You'll be on a fabulous cruise along the Danube. Besides, you should have plenty of time over the next two weeks to research the cruise company, finish reviewing those articles, do your editing, and everything else. I'll have you work from home until you leave to keep you from getting drawn into a bunch of other assignments. That'll also give me some needed peace around here and keep you out of trouble. That is, unless you want the other option."

"No, no. I'll take the assignment."

"Good. Keep in mind, if Natalia is pleased with the cruise article, you'll firmly have a leg up on Drake for that promotion. Now, I suggest you wrap up whatever you're working on and take off for the day. I'll have Romeo email you the cruise detailsand flight confirmation once he books it. Oh, and wipe your forehead." She holds out a box of tissues toward me.

"What's on my face?" My voice is wary as I grab a tissue and dab the middle of my forehead, my mind whirling at what could be there.

Katherine holds up her finger and points to her left. "It's the other direction. You're wiping the wrong way. It's a splotch of jelly."

"You let me blast Drake with a blob of jelly on my forehead?" I hang my head while I stare at the gooey red spot on the tissue.

"I'm sure no one noticed," she says with a wave of her hand and a barely audible chuckle.

I leave her office, marveling at the morning's events, which, besides being unpleasant, seem numerous for being so early in the day. Back in my office, I turn off my computer and gather my belongings. As Katherine suggested—more like demanded—I'll work from home. I'm about to leave when Romeo appears and casually leans against my file cabinet.

"I have something to make you feel better. I raided the stash I keep hidden at my desk." He hands me a small paper bag.

I open it to find a package of strawberry Twizzlers, which he knows is my comfort snack when I'm upset. "Thank you. You may be a pain in the ass, but I'd miss you if you weren't here." As soon as I finish my sentence, I feel my left eye twitch. I scowl, covering it with my hand.

"Sweetie, if that's not a sure sign you're stressed and overworking yourself, I don't know what is."

"Maybe so, but workwise, it's for a good cause. I want that promotion."

Romeo shakes his head. "There's life beyond work, and I wish you'd realize it." His face suddenly brightens. "I heard about your river cruise assignment. This trip should give you a chanceto get pampered and relax, maybe even find a man who's actually worthy of you."

"Pampered, maybe. Finding a man? No chance in hell because the last thing I need is more drama."

"Sweetie, whether you believe it or not, I think there's love on the horizon for you." Romeo gives me one of his dazzling smiles and then retreats from my office.

I scoff at his comment; Romeo has always been a dream-filled romantic.

Ready to leave, I hold the bag of Twizzlers with a death grip as I exit the office, comforted that the licorice treats will get me through the night. I'll have to restock tomorrow, needing a few cases before I finish dealing with Troy and my new assignment.
