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Chapter Three


Imarvel at the scenery as my driver pulls up in front of my hotel in Budapest, Hungary. There's a park across the street full of trees with their fall foliage, grass, shrubbery, and several benches. It looks like the perfect place for a peaceful stroll. The place I'm staying sits on the corner, another name-brand hotel taking up the block west of me, but it sits back a bit, affording me a beautiful view of the Danube River and Budapest's famous Chain Bridge.

I have Romeo to thank for such a wonderful location. My river ship is only a short walk away, its upper deck visible from the car. Slipping from the back seat of the luxury sedan, I patiently wait behind the vehicle while my driver removes my luggage from his trunk. When he finishes, I hand him a tip and then turn to the porter approaching me from the hotel.

The burly man in a black uniform takes my large suitcase and carry-on bag and tells me to follow him to the lobby. I do as instructed, almost reaching the hotel's entrance whenI remember I've left my cell phone on the car's back seat. Panicking, I spin around to see my driver pull his cell phone from his ear and slide behind the steering wheel of his vehicle.

"Stop that car! Don't let him leave," I yell to another employee walking past the sedan.

The employee shoots me a glance, then steps in front of the car and waves his arms. Gaining my driver's attention, the man points toward me, and I can see my driver nod. I rush to the car and open the back door, spotting my phone in its rose-colored glitter case, sitting like a precious gem on the black upholstery.

I hold up my phone so the driver can see it and say, "Sorry, I forgot this," before extricating myself from the car and shutting the door.

My cell phone rescuer is standing nearby, watching me with an amused expression as I flash him my glittery device.

"Thanks for stopping that guy from leaving. I'd be utterly lost without my phone." I walk toward the man, stopping a few feet away, and find myself mesmerized by his gorgeous eyes. They're a beautiful blue, and he has long, dark lashes that most women would kill for. Trying not to stare, I open my purse and pull out my wallet, intending to tip him as a reward for saving me from a huge headache.

He waves his hand to stop me. "That's not necessary. I was on my way home and happened to walk by at the right time. You looked upset, and honestly, I simply reacted."

The man has a deep, silky voice with a British accent, and it's nothing close to what I would have expected.

"Walking by? I take it you don't work here?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize the man's wearing black slacks and a black dress shirt, not a hotel uniform.

"I don't. I was cutting through the property to the apartments across the street, although I can understand why you thought I was one of the employees." He glances down at his clothes andthen eyes the porter who is waiting for me by a sliding glass door. "Well, I'm glad I could help. Enjoy your afternoon."

The man runs a hand through his dark, wavy hair, then gives me a quick nod and walks away. I stand there and stare after him, unable to tear my gaze from his deliciously tight butt and well-muscled back and shoulders, emphasized by his snug-fitting outfit. He's a drool-worthy vision, and I can't help but wonder what he looks like unclothed. Realizing I'm gawking, I feel the heat in my cheeks as I break away and hurry toward the entrance. The heat turns into a flame when I steal another look at him over my shoulder, only to see the gorgeous stranger has done the same. We make eye contact, and he gives me a stunning smile.

I smile back, my breath catching in my throat.

Then there's a loud thud as my body slams into a floor-to-ceiling window.

With a shriek and decent-sized bounce off the glass, I stand there and rub my nose. My attention elsewhere, I've managed to miss the opening for the sliding door by at least a foot. Luckily, a glance down the driveway tells me the man is gone. Ignoring the stares and hushed silence that surrounds me, I hurry to the front desk.

The check-in process is quick, and I'm soon in my room on the fourth floor. After placing my luggage on the rack in the closet, I move to the window and check out my view. I can see the river, the Chain Bridge, the park, and the river ship, and it's all so perfect. I grab my cell phone from where I've placed it on the desk and sit in the chair by the window to text Romeo.

Me: I'm here. My room is perfect, and the view is to die for. Thank you for taking care of me like you always do.

Romeo: Wonderful! I was sure you'd like it. Now, relax and have fun. Get wild and throw yourself out there. Remember, love is on the horizon.

Me: Ha! I'll try to have fun, but I'll ignore the love on the horizon part.

Romeo: You never know, sweetie. Life is full of surprises. Luv you.

Me: Luv you too.

I close my messages only to have my phone ring in my hand. I look at the screen, surprised to see it's Laurel. Smiling, I answer it. "Wow, another morning phone call from you within a two-week span. I'm shocked. It must be nine o'clock there."

"Something like that."

"So, what's going on?" I'm almost positive this isn't a random call, and there's a catch associated with it.

"I was awake since I have another modeling session in a half hour and thought I'd check on you."

"I'm fine. I got here a little while ago. Romeo outdid himself, booking me in a five-star hotel a two-minute walk from the dock. I plan on taking off in a little while to get something to eat and check out the city."

"Sounds nice. But I'm actually calling about the chat we had the other day. Have you considered my suggestion?"
