Page 13 of The Romance Fiasco

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“I just meant since we have—tomorrow—the whole thing.” I wave my hand at our general surroundings.

Never in my life have I had a more awkward conversation. If Royal, Ryan, and even CJ, who I’ve never known to date, were observing their oldest brother break down, they’d be belly-laughing in the corner.

I’m bombing. Bad.

“Right. We have our wedding party duties. Which, by the way—”

The clinking of a spoon on a water glass interrupts whatever Lally is going to say.

“We’re gathering for dinner, and as per tradition, the maid of honor is going to say a few words,” Romy says with a bright smile in Lally’s direction.

“I am?” she murmurs.

I lean in, breathing Lally’s tropical coconut scent from her curls. “You have it better tonight with less of a crowd. I’m on deck tomorrow.” I grimace as she shuffles toward her place at the main table.

Everyone takes their seat, including me, which I realize is directly across from Lally.

She remains standing. It’s hard not to stare, to admire her delicate wrists as she takes the microphone. Her elegant fingers. I try to see the thumbs she claimed were fat, but they’re out of view before I can take a peek.

Clearing her throat, she begins, “Thank you all for joining us tonight to celebrate on the eve of Romy and Ross’s wedding day.”

Everyone claps on cue.

Continuing, she says, “There’s something really special about being engaged. It’s like the bridge between dating, where everything is new and uncertain, to the otherwise which is a lifelong commitment. Early on, in a new relationship, we might have questions likeWill he call me back?Or text?” Turning toward the couple, Lally’s voice wavers when she says, “Romy and Ross were big texters early on, as it turns out.”

The couple grins at each other.

“But unlike dating, the engagement period is more concrete. It’s the next step toward forever. A beautiful and special step. A time to get to know each other on a deeper level, plan to create a life and family together and ensure that your values and beliefs align, especially when it comes to the future. And tomorrow they’ll be stepping into that future. A forever future...”

The room is strangely silent, eerily still as if everyone is waiting for Lally to say something off-script even though she isn’t reading one.

I glance up and liquid pierces the corners of her eyes. It’s the tiniest amount and I only see it because I’m so close. As quickly as it appeared, it vanishes and a hesitant smile stretches across her full lips.

I’m captivated, my thoughts dodging the red flag and the past, and wondering about forever futures.

She lifts her champagne flute and says, “May the happy couple enjoy this last night of being engaged, celebrating with friends and family, and enjoy many years of wedded bliss.”

Not going to lie, that last part did sound scripted, wooden, like she recited it from rote memory or a line she repeated if only to convince herself of it.

However, the clapping and cheering from the guests quiets my curiosity about the speech. It was a good one. And given her subtle comment about Romy being her ex-best friend, perhaps a struggle. There’s a story there, but it’s none of my business.

I just hope that tomorrow, when I give my toast, I do as good a job honoring the couple, despite my general dislike of Ross.

I’m doing it for Sean.

And Sean would say something meaningful now. I feel a nudge, a Spirit prompting, so I get to my feet. “As the best man, I was going to save some of this for the toast tomorrow, but if Sean were here, he’d tell Ross that he’s about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. He’d want his little brother to know that the promise he’s making to his fiancée is forever. That marriage is a blessing where two people come together in a faithful partnership.”

The room is completely still, silent. It hasn’t been long, but I’d forgotten what it was like to hold rapt, respectful attention. It’s time to make my brother from another mother proud.

“Sean once told me that he’d always been looking for the woman who completed him. Then he met Nora. He said she complemented him. They were a team. And the guy knew a thing or two about being on a team. A spouse is someone you learn with and grow with. Together, you figure out a way through trials and celebrate triumphs. You’re there for each other through sickness and health, for better or worse... It’s no small thing.”

I’m not sure if Nora is here but hope I haven’t made her cry.

“Sean was known as the serious brother, and I know he’d be overjoyed to see you taking this serious step in your life, Ross.” I lift my glass. “Romy and Ross, may you both step forward in faith and fidelity tomorrow.”

I get a golf clap in response from Ross and Romy’s friends and a more robust response from the older folks in the crowd. I guess I’m serious too, but I don’t regret saying my piece. Sean would’ve done the same thing.

I sneak a peek at Lally. She blinks a few times as though somewhere far away and only comes back to earth now.
