Page 14 of The Romance Fiasco

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“I wasn’t in Lallyland,” she says as if caught red-handed. “I heard every word. That was beautiful.”

“Yours too,” I say, but then the guy seated to my left bangs my ear off about my time in the military. Ordinarily, it’s one of my favorite things to talk about—especially with guys who’ve served—but this turns into a bit of a debate. It’s the kind I like to avoid because there are so many intricacies that I could go into, but the guy is already a couple of sheets to the wind and it’s not worth it.

I’d much rather be talking to Lally.

But like the ketchup Ross slathers over his steak, the red flag flaps, a reminder to be cautious. Keep my distance. I’m not relationship material. I have too much going on.

After dinner and dessert, the younger guests move the party to the resort hotel where everyone is staying tonight. I get wrangled into babysitting Ross and his buddy Linc so they’re not hungover tomorrow.

I’d say yes to a family someday, but I’m not a candidate for babysitting—or babywatching, as the case may be—especially adult male children. In fact, I resent it, thank you very much. However, it turns out that I am very skilled at noticing a certain woman when she walks into the room, er, onto the deck surrounding the pool.

I tell myself it’s because she’s unsteady in those heels and the ground is slippery.

“I still can’t believe Romy asked her to be a bridesmaid,” Linc slurs.

“Maid of honor,” Ross corrects with a chuckle as if they have an inside joke.

“Is she still single?” Linc wriggles his eyebrows.

Ross smirks. “Everyone knows what she’s hoping will happen tomorrow. No chance. Not a fun girl, if you know what I mean.”

“So, she’s up for grabs,” Linc says, a statement, not a question. “I wouldn’t say no to a wedding night fling.”

“I do not object. She was a play toy, but then something better came along.”

I do my level best not to listen to Ross and his friends with their inane and disrespectful chatter, but something rises inside me at the comment. Guys like me solve things with fists, but I don’t want to ruin Romy’s wedding day photos or have to explain why the groom and his groomsman have matching black eyes.

Instead, I cut a glare their way and say, “Show some respect.”

Ross pumps his hands. “Sheesh. You’re so uptight. You and Sean were so alike.”

It’s the first time he’s mentioned his brother aside from when he asked me to fill these shoes.

“You’re right and we both know what Sean would do with a mouth like that.” Too late, I realize it sounds like I’m suggesting he’d kiss Lally and not punch them both square in the teeth.

“Have at it, my man,” Ross says, clapping me on the shoulder.

I flick him off and mutter, “That’s not what I meant.”

The guys slouch to the open bar.

I’m done with them. My babysitting duties are officially over. “Sean, I tried,” I murmur.

Time to say goodnight. Before I move, my gaze catches Lally standing with a few women. They glide toward the guys at the bar. At the sight of her, that same flare inside heats again.

She hangs back and says, “I was thinking I’d head up to my room. I haven’t checked in yet.”

“Oh, come on, the night is young,” one of the women says, looping her arm and dragging her closer.

She stumbles in her heels. Her feet must ache, but her strappy choice of footwear does accentuate her already gorgeous legs. It’s hard not to notice her in that dress that skims her thighs. And the rest of the view is exceptionally nice to look at. Though, her smooth curls have taken on some frizz and her posture suggests she’s not a night owl like the others. That makes two of us.

“Big day tomorrow. Ladies, I’ll see you all in the morning.” She gives a little wave.

I half expect the women to insist she stay, but the drink menu occupies them.

The undulating silver-blue glow of the pool paints her in an ethereal light. The flare inside warms and I could use a dip to cool off. However, I realize that I probably seem like a creeper over here alone, lingering in the shadows. Time for me to go. I turn toward the gate surrounding the pool when I hear Romy hiss, “He’s right over there. Somewhere. I saw him with Ross a minute ago. Have you seen the rings?”

I push the button to open the electric gate and Lally’s voice floats toward me.
