Page 27 of The Romance Fiasco

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“You’re so funny, Lally. You were always so funny, not to be mistaken with fun.” Romy laughs and then to Magnus adds, “She’s so uptight. Always studying and doing stuff. She needs to take a load off and kick up her feet every once in a while. Am I right?”

My smile tightens and with unrestrained sarcasm, I say, “That’s a novel idea, given I’m at a resort. But I should go get ready for your wedding since that’s why I’m here. However, I’m not sure what I can make Magnus do, given—” Palms flat and a few inches away from the frame of his shoulders, I ripple my hands down his sides.

“I want to see the rings,” she says through gritted teeth and with a slight slur.

She’s probably had enough to drink. I move to take the champagne out of her hand, but she grips the flute so tight I’m afraid the stem might break.

With a huff, I say, “Magnus, please can Romy see the rings?”

“All you needed to do was use the magic word.” His gaze doesn’t leave me as if he’s focusing on not being overly annoyed with the bride.

We exchange a knowing look as she heaves a dramatic sigh. “They’re just so beautiful. Have you seen the engagement ring?”

“Yes, every day.”

“No, I mean the best man. Marshall. Um, Mark? Matt?” Romy flashes her bejeweled finger.

“Magnus,” he and I say at the same time.

This is my cue to get the woman some coffee.

* * *

The first half of the day flew by, but the next couple of hours slow to a creep. I want to take the high road and gush over how lovely the wedding ceremony is, but I’m already looking forward to this memory turning stale and being forgotten.

Is that awful of me?

While still getting ready, when I brought up Magnus’s toast from last night, hoping to draw Romy out of her alcohol-fueled haze, she went on about how lucky she was to get the fun brother and not the serious one if Sean was anything like Magnus.

That was her takeaway.

Truth be told, as I watched Romy and Ross exchanging vows, I wanted it to be me. Not in Romy’s shoes and certainly not with Ross. There is zero love lost there.

But finding someone I want to pledge ‘til death do we part. To build a God-centered life together. To receive the blessing of holy matrimony. To create a family. To have someone by my side on this grand adventure. To be together through trials and triumphs, sickness and health, for better or worse.

Magnus’s powerful speech last night echoes in my thoughts. Those aren’t trivialities to stumble through like lazy recitations. They’re a covenant. One I desperately want. I send up a prayer as I so often do on this matter.

During the recessional, when Magnus holds out his arm for me to take, the ticking clock that has accelerated as I move through my thirties seems to slow down.

On the upside of all of this, the best man is the kind of ruggedly handsome that could cause a gal to experience a case of love at first sight.

Giving my head a little shake, I glance up at him. He isn’t smiling, but I make it a goal to get one out of him before the night is through. Maybe we could even dance.

First, we endure photographs and a cocktail hour during which I sneak away to the hotel’s restaurant and beg them to bake me a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.

After much debate, one of the bellhops runs out to the store and buys a Betty Crocker mix and a tub of vanilla icing...setting me back thirty dollars.

But it’s worth it because I don’t want anything to do with Romy’s boozy Franken-cake and I made a promise to Alex.

When we finally sit down for dinner, Magnus is on the other end of the table. He delivers another moving toast, but this one is slightly lighter. He tells a few stories about Ross, roasting him, along with teasing about the couple not getting into too much trouble on their honeymoon.

But still, I don’t see a hint of that dimple on his cheek.

When the first course arrives, I try to get his attention, but Romy’s father tells a long, drawn-out story about the future and finances to our group at large.

It’s the most I’ve ever heard the man say.

Discretely pulling out my phone, I text MM.
