Page 46 of The Romance Fiasco

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He nods as if that’s accurate.

“Who’s the oldest?” I ask.

“Isn’t that obvious?” They all say at the same time except Magnus.

“Now that introductions are out of the way, I’d say that the obvious question is what are you all doing here?” Magnus asks.

“Today is a big day. You finally came over here,” Ryan says.

“I was waiting until I got back from the wedding.”

“If the state of the town and the Driftwood were any indication, the cottages could’ve washed into the sea.”

“I was hoping—”

Before the brothers start discussing business that’s none of mine, I say, “Isla, I heard what happened. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

She gazes lovingly at Royal. “I had my knight in shining armor come to my rescue.”

“Don’t forget about me. I helped,” CJ says.

“I’m only sorry that I wasn’t here,” Magnus says heavily.

“Bro, let’s be real. You wouldn’t have given those thugs a second chance. They’d be—” CJ drags his pointer finger across his throat. “At least now, they have the option to receive mercy.”

My eyes widen.

Magnus says, “He sent them on a church mission ship where they’ll have the chance to give their lives to God.”

“Moving on,” Isla says hastily as if she doesn’t want to think about that day. “There were some additional developments.”

Magnus tilts his head with interest.

“Remember the whole thing about starting on the eighteenth?”

“Avoid the sand,” Royal adds.

Ryan goes next. “Seek her with all your heart and might.”

“Bring your wits. You’ll need them and each other,” CJ finishes.

“Yeah, I remember.”

I do not and find this fascinating. Like reading the first page of a historical account and not having any idea where it’s going.

“I painted that mural for Gerome Glandman and let’s just say not a penny of your grandfather’s fortune is going to that man. At least not if I have anything to do with it.”

“You do,” Royal says, sliding his arm across her shoulder.

“So, you’ve changed your tune?” Magnus asks.

Royal nods. “We’ve fixed up the Driftwood. Soft opening soon.”

Isla smiles a secret smile.

My eyes must be the size of footballs because Ryan turns to me and says, “Our grandfather didn’t leave us with the typical last will and testament. I mean, he left us each with some remembrances, though I still can’t figure out what I need with the pen with a plume. But anyway, it was also something of a riddle. ‘The youngest would sooner dive than the shallowest go deep. But neither will find what they seek without the strongest softening and the cleverest humbling.’”

“I mentioned the will to Lally,” Magnus says.
