Page 47 of The Romance Fiasco

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“But we started at the eighteenth,” CJ says.

“And did you avoid the sand?” Magnus asks dryly.

“Eventually. First, we found a pearl,” Isla says, practically jumping up and down.

“The pearl that very likely belongs to theCoroa de Lágrimas,” CJ says with surprisingly perfect pronunciation.

“This again?” Magnus asks, casting his gaze at Royal.

He pumps his hands. “I know, I know. I was hasty to dismiss CJ’s theories, but—”

“Hasty? You wanted to punt him off the island,” Ryan says.

“And I’m sorry,” Royal says to his youngest brother. “Genuinely sorry.”

Magnus crosses his arms in front of his chest. “This is progress.”

“People can change,” Isla says, echoing my thoughts.

“Thing is, if our parents were still alive like CJ thinks, they’d have come home. They’d do whatever it took. They were loyal. I know that firsthand. They’d have...I’d do anything for my team and they would’ve done the same.” Magnus’s tone drops a few decibels.

Boo whines and sits down at his side before lying at his feet.

“We know that, Mag,” CJ says softly.

“But we found the pearl, which could lead us to the crown, which might help us find out what really happened.”

I have the feeling that this is less about whatever that treasure is and has more to do with something deeper, more personal, and very likely painful.

Stepping closer to Magnus, I plant my hand behind his shoulder. His breathing slows as if reminded of his training.

“Anything else I should know?”

“There was a ship with dark sails. A brigantine. Any chance you could use your intel and find out anything about it?” Royal asks.

“A brig? Those are rare. But sure. I’ll look into registered vessels, interactions with the Coast Guard, that kind of thing.”

“Like a pirate ship?” I ask.

Isla says, “If you’re tuned into the Coconut Wireless, you’ve probably heard all kinds of rumors about the excitement on the island now that the infamous McGregor boys returned.”

“Most of it is true,” Ryan winks.

Magnus scowls.

“Let’s meet for dinner at the Driftwood. We have a lot to discuss, including what you’re going to do with the cottages,” Royal says, all business.

Magnus’s lip curls. “I have an idea.”

“A crazy one,” I say.

All eyes land on me, including Magnus’s.

I shrug. “That’s as far as you got telling me about it, but I’m all ears.”

“I still have some details to iron out.”

“Whenever you’re ready, but the sooner the better because Glandman has been sniffing around,” Royal warns.
