Page 59 of The Romance Fiasco

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Magnus goes still and then erupts with laughter. “Emmie? Yes. No. She’s my sister.”

“There’s another McGregor? A secret sister?”

“She’s not a secret.”

“Then why isn’t she involved in all this treasure stuff?”

He lets out a breath. “Good question. I don’t know. Chip had a different relationship with her. He’d send us boys out on quests, which usually resulted in the other three getting into trouble.”

I poke him in the side. “Not you, flyboy?”

His lips flutter with a grin. “Maybe a little.”

“I’m sorry that I asked, I thought maybe you were spoken for, so I was prepared to be super embarrassed by how I acted at the wedding and then since. I started to get worried and—”

Magnus looks down at me, brown eyes blazing. “I am spoken for.”

I move to jump away, but he doesn’t let me.

“By you. If you want me to be.”

“Are you asking me to...?”

Our gazes drift together, searching, finding that beacon in the darkness.

“Today. Coming here. The place at the table. Right now. It all means something.”

I’m used to peoplenotusing their words. I may not yet be fluent in McGregor-ese, but I’m an expert at reading between the lines.

Now, as Magnus said, is different than it was when the two of us were alone in the hotel room. The air is charged and it’s not because there’s a lightning storm nearby. We’re generating our own electrical current.

It grows as our eyes lock.

Whereas sometimes I see in them Magnus’s stoicism, strength, focus, and, even at times, hidden sadness, right now it’s longing, affection, and desire.

The romanticipation inside me builds.

He glances down at my lips and shifts closer.

My heart tumbles, doing somersaults playfully down a hill.

His rough palm finds my cheek, resting softly, as he closes the space between us.

My mind goes blank at his touch.

All I know is that our lips meet in a kiss that could shut down the power grid. Blackout everywhere. And from the darkness emerges stars, a million of them twinkling inside.

Magnus’s other hand grasps the back of my head as the kiss continues. My arms lace around his neck and we press more closely together. Our inhales and exhales fall into sync and even though the only action is the rising and falling of our chests, our lips navigating this new territory, it’s like we’re dancing again, but this time it’s just us, just the stars inside and above.

Magnus leads, takes charge, as the kiss deepens. I give myself over to him and let him guide me toward wherever this is going. He’s proven himself capable, trustworthy. The steely grip I so often have on my life loosens, and I relax into this man’s embrace.

Because I trust him.

Because he’s true.

Because I want him to feel the same inner, electric buzz. Experience what it’s like to scale these heights, the heart tumbles, all of it. I want him to know he’s also wanted. Because that’s how he makes me feel and it’s something I didn’t even realize I wanted, needed.

Intoxicated by his mountain-fresh, high-altitude scent, I don’t think I ever need to breathe again.
