Page 60 of The Romance Fiasco

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Magnus’s hands drop to my shoulders and wrap around my back. The proximity somehow increases even though we couldn’t possibly be any closer. Whatever this is feels binding. Like when two investors shake hands in agreement. Only this is more. So much more. Like a mutually agreed upon legal contract. But it’s all pleasure. No business.

From this kiss we agree to invest in each other, in an unknown future, and hopefully, many, many more kisses just like it.

This great moment with our noses softly brushing, our hands exploring and gripping, and our lips moving is the start of our great adventure.



Most people would claim that I’m more of a physical type of person—defined by strength, capability, and calm in the face of danger and difficulties.

The kiss I’m sharing with Lally starts as an overtly physical experience with the last glimpse of her sparkling green eyes before they close with a yes.

Yes, hold me.

Yes, kiss me.

“Yes, Magnus,” she murmurs those words now.

It’s like she’s not only saying yes to this, but to me, to us.

It’s a bodily experience as her soft breath whispers across my skin. When our lips meet. Hers like rose petals. The sensation of her cool skin under my warm palm. The pulse in her neck when I pause and press a kiss there. The rise and fall of her chest with every breath. Her coconut scent. The space closing between us and our bodies welcoming each other into what’s otherwise considered personal space.

Her lips. Have I mentioned them? Yeah, especially those.

As the kiss continues, the flare inside burns hotter and brighter than ever, bypassing the physical and leading somewhere else.

Can’t lie. Lally makes me weak in the knees. The red flag gives one last limp wave, telling me that I can’t afford this. That I have to remain strong.

But as my shoulders relax under her touch, as she yields softly to me, allowing me to lead the way, the stirring inside changes, shifts, and morphs into a different kind of feeling. Not one merely experienced by the senses—sight, scent, taste, sound, touch.

Built upon that strong foundation, it’s unshakable. A vibration, an electrical current, a buzz silences my thoughts except one.

I want this woman. I honor this woman. I adore this woman.

In this short time, she’s made my hardened, cynical heart love. She strengthens me in ways that aren’t immediately visible.

As I give back in the kiss, I want her to know that she can trust and rely on me. I will be her rock.

I will be hers.

When we part, we make a slow and pleasantly quiet walk back to my truck. It’s like we’re both afraid that if we open our mouths to speak, we’ll pop this bubble.

Hands swinging between us, it’s like we’re both floating.

When I open the passenger side door to the truck, Lally gets in and says, “This is new.”

I close the door and grip the doorframe. “What is?”

She draws a little upturned crescent in the air much like the moon. “You’re smiling.”

“I am?” My lips twist, trying to hold it back.

“It’s a rare sight. I like it.”

Rounding to the driver’s side, I get in and say, “Ryan and CJ are quicker to smile. Royal, not so much. Me, I was trained to—”

Lally stretches across the center console and kisses me on the cheek—on that pesky dimple of mine. “I love it.”
