Page 61 of The Romance Fiasco

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Something seals between us, a wax stamp like Chip kept in his office. Whatever this is with Lally and me is something special.

“You don’t seem like the kind of guy who typically shares his feelings, afraid that would make him vulnerable. You’re not wrong and I respect that. I’m not the kind of woman who cries easily—not like Rosalie who probably would’ve wept at Romy and Ross’s wedding even though she’s on Team Lally. I’d never sit you down and make you tell me how you feel. But if you ever want could. I’m here. You can trust me.”

I squeeze her hand to let her know I appreciate what she means about vulnerability, intimacy, and trust. Then add, “My emotions aren’t too locked up. Believe it or not, being in the military for so long taught me a lot about human behavior—physical, mental, emotional.”

Pulling up in front of Lally’s beach bungalow, I bring the truck to a stop. The interior lights glow and her green eyes sparkle as I meet them.

“My brothers would be the first to tease me about my ego, but it’s not as big as they think.” I brush the back of my hand along Lally’s cheek. “I take the Lord’s teachings about humility seriously, honor too. All of them. Some I’m better at than others. But I know this for sure, and I am not afraid to declare it. I like you, Lally. I like you a lot.”

Our lips meet in another kiss. A goodnight kiss.

I’m certain about thelikepart of it...just not so sure I’m brave enough for declarations of love.

I walk her to the door and get Boo and leave her with a kiss.

But I’m still smiling when I return to the Airbnb where Ryan and I have been staying.

CJ’s there when I enter the kitchen. “Hey bro. You keep staying here, you’re going to have to chip in for rent.”

“I was just making a sandwich.”

“Groceries too. Wait. We ate dinner not too long ago.”

He grunts as he takes a bite of his ham, cheese, lettuce, and tomato—with a hefty sprinkling of pepper. Yes, I know how all my brothers fix their lunch, coffee, all of it.

“I thought you bought a house somewhere on the island.”

“It’s occupied,” he says around a mouthful.

“You’re renting it out?”

“Not exactly.”

My brow furrows with confusion, but not much about my little brother has ever made sense. When we were young, he’d tag along with the three of us. As the oldest, I was the natural leader with the twins always keeping up. CJ was often a few steps behind. Then, when I graduated high school and joined the military, he took off and started doing his own thing. No one ever really knew what, though.

Ryan and Royal were responsible for the pranks and shenanigans in town—rutted roads from blowing doughnuts, toilet paper in the palm trees, and once repainting the town welcome sign to sayLoco Tea. Don’t ask.

But CJ remained mysterious, in many ways much like Chip. We just always assumed our brother’s dealings weren’t strictly legal. But lately, I’m starting to wonder. No, it’s been a while now that I’ve questioned us having labeled him as the loser, slacker brother.

“I’m not going to be staying here much longer, anyway.”

“Fixing up the cottages? Not a bad view.” He waggles his eyebrows.

I slug him in the arm. “Watch it.”

“I was talking about the ocean view. But I did notice you were admiring a certain dinner guest. The first on record.”

He doesn’t need to come out and say that I’ve never brought a girl home—not since high school. Lally is different.

“Plus, Boo will have some playmates over there in the neighborhood.” The dog stares at CJ as if hoping a slice of ham will fall out of his sandwich.

“I was talking to Royal on the phone when I was up in Atlanta. He said Ryan is taking the will seriously. I disagree.” I’ve been wondering what will happen if we disregard the will...and if we don’t.

CJ sets his sandwich down and wipes his mouth. “Chip taught me many things. One of them was patience.”

“So, you’re saying Ryan will come around?” I ask.

“Royal did. You have.”
