Page 84 of The Romance Fiasco

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A short time later, everyone sings Happy Birthday to me, and just as I blow out the last of my candles—in one breath, I might add—Lally and I share a kiss.

Solely focused on Lally, I nearly forget that we’re not the only two people in the room when someone golf claps from behind me.

I whip around to see Ross and Romy standing in the doorway wearing white boating clothes contrasting with their cooked shellfish sunburns.

“Hi, Uncle Ross and Aunt Romy,” Alex waves.

They ignore him and Ross sneers at me. “Always trying to edge into my territory, eh, Magnus?”

“What are you doing here, Ross?”

“Lally invited me, of course. You know that she’s never gotten over me. That’s why she insisted on being in the wedding. I would’ve preferred Nora over there be Romy’s maid of honor.”

His wife pouts. “Ross, you should’ve told me. You know I would’ve—”

Ross cuts her off. “Magnus had to be Sean’s best buddy. It was always Magnus this, Magnus that. He was the one my brother called when he needed something. When he had something to share. He named Magnus Alex’s godfather.”

“That’s not something to hold against the kid,” I mutter.

“You were always right there, hawking into my role,” Ross blusters.

“Because that’s what brothers—best friends—do. Had you known how to change a tire or ever showed up on time, I’m sure Sean would’ve—”

“No, Magnus. You always had to outshine me.”

My brow instantly goes what can best be described as Cro-Magnon and my hands ball into fists. “I have three brothers already and don’t need any of this sibling rivalry nonsense.” The McGregor men are instantly at my sides.

And so is Lally.

“Ross, for the record, I am over you. Quite honestly, having hardly ever heard a word about your brother who was a hero, watching you ignore your nephew, and then the fact that you cheated on me isn’t exactly attractive. If you think, for one second, I’d choose you over Magnus, you’re delusional.”

Rosalie joins her. “I’m only just now putting this drama together and I can assure you, if everything I’ve heard is true, and from what I’ve seen, the man is definitely delusional.”

...And this surprise party drama will stream across the Coconut Wireless in a matter of minutes.

Reminded that they’re right and that Ross is being immature, my hackles relax and I find the unflappable side of myself—the guy who was a brother in arms to Sean, that could handle anything, including the most intense missions where lives were at stake.

“Ross and Romy, you’re welcome to some cake and to enjoy the festivities. Tomorrow is the grand opening of Boo’s Battle Bros, and we’d be honored if you’d attend as a tribute to your brother.”

Ross eyes the white shepherd whose lip curls slightly as a snarl issues from his chest.

“Thank you, guys,” Romy says. “Ross had a long day at sea. Bottomless drinks on the yacht. We’ll just help ourselves to some cake. Thanks.” She laughs in a high pitch.

The heated exchange forgiven, but not forgotten, the remainder of the night slides by with me visiting with friends and family, my brothers convincing me to play a few songs on the piano as everyone sings along—one of Chip’s traditions for us on our birthdays—and me wondering about Lally’s game of poker with the Pirate Defense League, while she’s still dressed like one.

I don’t have a chance to ask her about what she learned, check on her ankle, or steal much more than a kiss before she falls asleep on the couch after all the guests leave.

I’ll help her clean up in the morning. I’m also exhausted, and even though we once shared a hotel room, I slip over to the cottages to stay for the first night since their renovation.

I dream about pirates waging war on the seas, cannon blasts, and being stung by musket fire.

When I wake up, my thoughts are foggy as I recall where I am. It’s just past dawn and I remember the party last night. I want to help Lally clean up before we spend the day at the Manatee Jubilee and cut the ribbon at Boo’s Battle Bros.

That reminds me, I’d better pick up some ribbon from the Treasure Chest, unless Lally did. She may have. She’s so thoughtful, always thinking of everything, including my birthday.

I start to shift to sitting, but I can’t move.

Blinking a few times, I check in with my head. It doesn’t ache, but this could be part of my TBI. Fear races through me. Am I paralyzed?
