Page 83 of The Romance Game

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“But I think we all need a break.” I yawn.

Everyone agrees to reconvene after lunch. We have work to do and could use some rest.

Harley, Luke, and I move toward the door.

“Wait,” Robyn calls. “What did you say the ship was called?”

“The Dark Seas?” Magnus asks with some major punctuation after it like there’s no way anyone is getting on board.

“No, the other one. Captain Márcia’s?” Robyn asks.

“The Crimson Tide, well, in Portuguese.” CJ says the words, “Maré Carmesim.”

Robyn’s eyes widen. “I have the logbook. Well, not the Crimson Tide’s logbook, but the one from the ship that discovered the wreck.”

The room stills in surprised anticipation.



We were nearly out the door but all do a one-eighty as Robyn presents a thick leather-bound, rectangular book.

She explains, “The Petrel was a three-masted merchant ship that sailed from England to this area. Typically, the captain kept a daily record of pertinent details: the route, weather, crew members, and activity on the ship, and, of course, anything noteworthy or unusual they encountered. Sea cows they thought were mermaids, for example.”

“Is that in there?” Ryan asks.

“No, but I’ve seen other ones. Mr. Edmonton has an extensive library of maritime documents, books, and items. Some he donated to the bookstore here when I got started.”

“Yeah, and Glandman was mighty interested in the logbook.” Isla scowls.

“But was it this one?” I ask.

“Who cares about Glandman? He likes to think he can throw his money and influence around here, but get this: he and Chip were rivals. It was one on one. There are four of us and one of him. Whatever crooked schemes he has up his sleeve, he doesn’t stand a chance,” Ryan says with surprising passion.

“Actually, there are seven of us.” Lifting onto my toes, I kiss him on the cheek.

Ryan beams a smile.

Luke claps his hands.

“Correction, there are eight of us,” I say, adding Luke to the crew.

Despite Ryan’s and my rocky past, everyone seems to accept us. Although, CJ’s expression is indistinct. Maybe he just wants us to focus right now and with so many people, it’s easy to get sidetracked.

“The logbook will tell us about an encounter with a ship in distress or a sunken vessel?” Royal asks.

Robyn taps the cover. “It’s all right here.” She reads the description, outlining the wreckage the Petrel discovered and the coordinates of the location. “No captain or crew remained. It’s designated abandoned and sunk. Nothing worth salvaging.”

“Meaning, it might still be down there.” CJ’s expression brightens.

“Chip scoured this area. The Driftwood resort is practically constructed entirely of materials from wrecks. He would’ve recognized had he found the Crimson Tide,” Royal says.

Ryan says, “What if he didn’t find it?”

Everyone debates this at great length while I read and reread the logbook entry. The pages are thick and the spidery print is similar to Márcia’s except it’s in English.

“We do know that the captain of the Petrel discovered a barque named the Crimson Tide,” Ryan says.
