Page 84 of The Romance Game

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CJ’s comments on focusing on what we don’t know come to mind. It’s an interesting way to look at the world.

I don’t know how I got wrapped up in this treasure hunt.

I don’t know how I ended up back in Coco Key.

I don’t know how Ryan and I decided we’re better together.

I don’t know what’s next.

Even though this last week has been like one wonderfully long dream, I have a son to take care of. Right now, he’s getting heavyin my arms and the responsibility to care and provide for him will only grow as he does.

How does Ryan fit into our story?

“Yeah, but think about this,” he says, drawing my attention.

For half a second, I think he’s going to answer the vague questions in my mind.

Instead, he says, “Chip had a collection of boats.”

Royal’s brow crimps. “He had the Grady White and a couple of dinghies.”

“He had a collection of boats on land.” Ryan inclines his head as if that makes more sense.

Not to me. Then again, nothing about this wild treasure chase does, or how I feel about Ryan and what our future might be.

“He built all the structures on this island out of material from sunken ships and named them as such. At the resort alone, there is the Galleon, Frigate, and Schooner. The Junks are the cottages by Quiet Cannon Beach and of course, there’s the Sloop. Also known as the Sip & Scoop.”

CJ taps the air. “The Crimson Tide was a barque and that is a kind of boat missing from Chip’s collection.”

Royal shakes his head, unconvinced. “This is a bit of a stretch.”

“What if it’s actually missing? What if that’s what Mom and Dad were looking for? What if that’s where the crown is?” CJ’s eyes practically swirl.

“Meaning, maybe Chip hadn’t yet found it to salvage it,” Magnus adds.

“Robyn, you’re brilliant,” Isla hugs her sister.

“Let’s see the coordinates,” CJ says to Robyn.

Magnus takes charge, “We’ll assemble two teams. CJ, Isla, Ryan, and I will take the sea. Lally, Royal, and Harley, you’ll meet with the Pirate Defense League and see what they have to say about the symbol and the pencil rubbing. First, everyone, getsome rest, have lunch, and we’ll meet back here at thirteen hundred hours.”

Ryan, Luke, and I return home. After a snack, I lay down on my bed with Luke by my side for a quick song and snuggle before his nap. We both instantly fall fast asleep.

I wake up to my little Lukey-boy babbling by my side and playing with his toes. The rest of the house is quiet. I imagine CJ was eager to get on the water, so maybe he, Ryan, Magnus, and Isla already set sail. A light breeze ruffles the sheer curtain on the window and I think about the symbol in the journal. Did Chip leave that page there intentionally? Is there more to it? Or was it simply a dividing page?

I can’t help but think we’re missing something and, like Ryan being the guy for me, it’s been in front of us all along. However, we just can’t see it.

When Luke and I get downstairs, I find a note from Ryan saying Lally will pick me up around one. It’s pretty amazing to see the passion everyone has for this treasure hunt. I find myself getting swept up into it. But what about when it’s over? What if they don’t find it? If they do?

What happens when we all return to normal life—the monotony of waking up, working, eating, winding down, sleeping? Repeat.

Luke toddles along with his hand in mine as we make our way to the door to wait for Lally. No sooner are we outside than a booming bark sounds from an SUV. Luke bounces at the sight of the dog with its head out the window and tongue lolling.

No, life will never be monotonous or boring with this little guy. He makes even the simplest things a joy. Scooping him up, I let the dogs race around us until they settle down from their happy greetings.

Lally tells me about how she dressed up as a pirate for one of the weekly games with the Pirate Defense League. “They were not amused. Afterward, when I got home, I had to pretend I had a peg leg to trick Magnus into coming to my house for his surprisebirthday party. He was not amused. So, let’s just say I don’t have high hopes for this meeting.”

“I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I can never remember the poker hands or their value.”
